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4th International Conference of Mansoura Pharmaceutical Sciences–MU “Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry”
بيانات المؤتمر
المؤتمرات الحالية
 4th International Conference of Mansoura Pharmaceutical Sciences–MU “Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry”
  معايير كتابة الأبحاث
معايير كتابة الأبحاث

Abstract Rules:

Abstracts submitted for the session lectures and poster presentations will be reviewed on the basis of scientific merit, novelty and practical application. The abstracts should not exceed 250 words & should be written in English language including title, naming the main author with complete contact details (organization, mailing address, E-mail, phone & fax) and co-authors 

 For Oral Presenters

Accepted abstracts scheduled for lecture session presentations will be grouped by topics (conference tracks). You will be notified your session and time via e-mail. Also check the meeting program onsite.

For Poster Presenters

Poster sessions will be held between 9 am - 5 pm. Author(s) should be available during breaks and lunch time to answer questions, expand on the material and take part in discussions. The following guidelines will be adopted.


  Ø  Accepted abstracts scheduled for poster session presentation will be  grouped by topic (conference tracks). You will be           notified of your session and time via e-mail. Also check the meeting program onsite.

  Ø  Posters should be mounted on assigned boards. Locate your poster number in the meeting program. Your poster number       will be posted on your board prior to setup.

  Ø  The Poster Session is located in the conference dedicated area.

  Ø  The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for posters that are not removed by the end of each session. 


Poster Layout 

  Ø  The size of the poster should not exceed 120-150 cm width/height– 90-100 cm height/width

  Ø  Use a clear typeface and, if possible, a laser printer.

  Ø   Posters should be readable from a distance of 1-2 meters. Therefore, your text must be not less than 24 points to enable        easy reading.

  Ø   It is of high interest to have a large lettering for the poster's title, author and affiliation; the font size of the title should be          not less than 48 points.

  Ø  Graphs and figures should be readable from a distance of 1-2 meters.


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