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4th International Conference of Mansoura Pharmaceutical Sciences–MU “Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry”
بيانات المؤتمر
المؤتمرات الحالية
 4th International Conference of Mansoura Pharmaceutical Sciences–MU “Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry”
  جدول مواعيد المؤتمر
مواعيد المؤتمر
بداية المؤتمر : 03/09/2024

نهاية المؤتمر : 06/09/2024

تواريخ هامّة :


Program Schedule:

3rd – 4th September 2024 (Mansoura): Registration – Workshops – Oral Presentations

5th – 6th September 2024 ( SOKHNA): Registration – Lectures - Closing Ceremony


Abstract Submission:

Early Abstract Submission and Registration Deadline:

Late Abstract Submission and Registration Deadline:


Hotel Accommodation Reservation Deadline:


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