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Determinants and outcome of caesarean section in kafr-Elzyat General Hospital, Gharbia Governorate /
Bassyoni, Hind Ahmed Fathi.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هند احمد فتحي بسيوني
مشرف / علي علي الشربيني
مشرف / عبد العزيز فاروق الديب
مشرف / ايمان علي يونس
Public Health.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
96 p. :
الصحة العامة والصحة البيئية والمهنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الطب - الصحة العامة
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A caesarean section rates have been steadily increasing worldwide over the last few decades above levels that cannot be considered medically necessary. Reasons behind the global increase in C.S are multifaceted and include clinical and non-clinical factors and this procedure can also lead to short term and long term health effects for women and children. Objectives The objectives of the present study were 1. To identify the prevalence and determinants of C.S deliveries in Kafr- Elzyat general hospital. 2. To determine the health outcomes of C.S deliveries on mothers and neonates within 30 days after delivery. Subject and methods The study was a cross-sectional and prospective follow up study, it was carried out for a period of approximately 6 months started from the first of October, 2020 to the end of March 2021 to full fill the required sample, this study was carried out in Obstetric department of Kafr-Elzyat General Hospital, the study population in this study were all females who will attend for delivery in gynecology and obstetrics department in Kafr-Elzyat General Hospital during the period of study. Result - The problem of overusing of C.S in Kafr-Elzyat general hospital, Gharbia governorate is highly prevalent (65%). - Females aged 17-20 years, from urban areas, highly educated, passive smokers and governmental employed showed higher percent of C.S. a g e - Male consultant physicians aged 40-45 years with 10-15 experience years showed higher percent of using C.S. - Previous history of infertility, intra-uterine fetal death and previous C.S were risk factors for C.S. - Nulliparous females and prim gravida were more likely to had C.S. - Labor at 37 weeks gestational age and abnormal fetal presentation were risk factors for C.S. - Advanced maternal age, high education, passive smoking, C.S as a last delivery and on labor on admission were considered significant predictors for C.S delivery among studied females. - Previous C.S, on labor on admission, fetal mal-presentation were considered significant predictors of bad maternal outcome. - Caesarean delivery, urban maternal residence, high maternal education, advanced age, previous vaginal delivery, fetal malpresentation, on labor on admission and high gravidity were considered significant predictors of bad fetal outcome.