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The impact of Using Artificial Intelligence on Enhancing EFL Language Fluency and self-regulation for The Preparatory Stage Students in Distinguished Governmental Language Schools/.
Abdalkader, Shireen Mostafa Ahmed.
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تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
222 P. :
المناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية - قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس اللغة الإنجليزية
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This chapter presents a summary of the current study with a brief description of its problem, aim, research questions, instruments, participants, main procedures, and results. It also illustrates the general conclusion and difficulties encountered by the researcher. Moreover, it provides recommendations, and suggestions for further research.
5.1 Summary
Colossal changes have occurred in all fields of life and education is not isolated from these rapid changes. That is why Instructors need to find alternative techniques and strategies to replace the old – traditional ones and to suit learners` needs and requirements. The problem of this study is that EFL learners suffer apparent weakness in their ability to express themselves in various ways specifically in written situations. Their writings show a lack of meaningful relevant idea production, organization, and efficiency to write fluently with interpretations, they also lack the self-regulation and objectives for learning the English language as they are not engaged in the process of their own learning due to the exam traditional methods followed in Egypt which made them passive participants in the learning process.
The study aimed at designing a program that could assist the learners to write fluently with an ability to organize, expand their ideas, show reflection on different topics, produce relevant interpretations and write smoothly. Moreover, the program aimed at developing the learners` self-regulation by engaging them in activities that direct their cognition, motivation, and behaviors, toward the attainment of their academic goals. These activities also depended on creating a
productive learning environment that uses numerous and effective resources and implements positive beliefs about one’s abilities and the value of learning. The researcher suggested using some relevant AI applications for the program that was conducted on 33 students (boys and girls), in preparatory three at Hassan Abubakr governmental language school. The program included twenty-four sessions and the duration of the program was about thirty-nine hours. The instruments of the study included a pre/post-WF test, the WF rubric, and the participants’ self-regulation scale.
5.2 Pedagogical Implications
Several reasons illustrated the reasons why this program was effective in developing EFL learners` writing fluency and self-regulation. These reasons included the profound effect that was observed on the participants` level in their
writings as well as the noticed concern and attention they paid to the significance of mastering the language through the development they had in their self-regulation. This was evident in their willingness and motivation to participate in the study program and practise English actively in meaningful processing with the content delivered. In addition to the relevant difference of their results before and after the application of the AI program. Furthermore, learning in an enjoyable, comfortable, and no- judgmental environment encouraged the learners to interact and do their best to use English language to express their ideas and work actively without fear of making mistakes which consequently helped in having a clear vision and purpose of their learning.
The researcher`s appreciation, stimulation, respect, and acceptance through using AI applications motivated the participants to express their thoughts freely and highly estimate each other`s interactions and writings.
This agrees with the findings of a number of researchers, including Fernandez et al., (2019), Mynbayeva et al., (2017), Paradise (2021), and Groff, (2013), who aimed at investigating the general form of education after applying AI. Their ideas were summed up as the need for the adoption of effective and increasingly appropriate policies. They came to the conclusion that the capabilities of AI contribute to developing dialogues, enhancing communication, and establishing relationships that are balanced and reinforced in accordance with the demands of the most important institutions of society (like universities), which calls for a radical reform of the existing educational regulations to make them consistent with the use of AI in education. They also came to the conclusion that AI applications prompt encouragement, as well as personal and professional development.
5.3 Study Questions
The researcher attempted to answer the following main question: “How can AI applications in education enhance EFL students` language writing fluency and self-regulation?”
This main question elicited the answer to the following sub-questions:
1- Research question one: “What are the appropriate writing fluency components for the preparatory three students at governmental language schools?”
This question was answered through the researcher`s working experience and continuous discussions with preparatory three students as well as a pilot study on the same sample of English learners. It was also answered by reviewing the literature and previous studies on WF. A list of WF components was designed to identify the main components required for students in this stage. See appendix (B). A pre-WF test for the study group was also used to assess their level in WF. See appendix (C).
2- Research question two: “What are the components of self-regulation needed for preparatory three students at governmental language schools?”
Throughout the review of the literature and the previous studies on self- regulation, the pilot study, and the pre-scale results, the researcher prepared a list of self-regulation components that are needed to be enhanced. See appendix(D).
3- Research question three:” What is the suggested program based on using AI applications to enhance the students` self-regulation and language writing fluency?” In the light of the review of literature, previous studies, the pilot study, and pre-test results, the researcher designed specific activities that contribute to developing the writing fluency components as well as the self– regulation ones. The first two sessions were orientation ones that aim at presenting and explaining the strategy to the learners to be ready for working collaboratively and recognize the benefit of organizing, sharing ideas, making reflection, and producing interpretations in addition to realizing the importance of enhancing their self-regulation components; orientation, performance, and evaluation.
4- Research questions four: “What is the effectiveness of using AI applications in enhancing the students` self-regulation and language writing fluency?” The researcher conducted a post-WF test to measure the learners` WF development and analyze the statistical data, through the rubric, to determine their progress. In addition to a post self–regulation questionnaire to elicit the learners` development in their self–regulation. The researcher also explained qualitative data of the learners’ performance and self-regulation. Both quantitative and qualitative results and findings are presented in Chapter Four.
5.4 Limitations
Throughout the experimentation, the researcher faced some obstacles but she tried to find solutions for them, here are some of these obstacles:
- At the beginning of the program, the learners` parents were amazed at the researcher`s request of bringing VR glasses to school and the researcher had to spend some time sending voice messages to the parents via the what’s app group to inform them about the target of the program and ways of its application.
- Some learners tried ignoring the instructions of the Grammarly writing correction program which caused producing a lot of mistakes in their writings about the missions they did during Minecraft world as they felt it was not important to make the required correction. To overcome this problem, the researcher set a rule, from the beginning that their group mission will not be valid unless they correct their chat writings according to the Grammarly program.
- Some participants did not attend some online sessions due to not having an internet connection. The researcher had to arrange meetings at the school computer laboratory where internet connection is available for all the participants.
5.5 Results of the Study
Based on reviewing literature and theories relating to the inevitability of developing the learners` writing fluency and their self-regulation as well as the various impacts mentioned in several studies about using AI in education and how far applying it in the learning process could assist learners to develop and
enrich their writing abilities through motivating them to become more conscious of authentic target language input, detect their obstacles, revise their syntactic and lexical errors, and finally, to achieve more comprehensible output.
Quantitative and qualitative analyses for the current study were used to elicit its results. The quantitative analysis included statistical comparisons of the participants’ mean scores in the pre-test and their mean scores in the post-test. The qualitative part included an analysis of the participants’ writing samples and their responses to the self–regulation questionnaire. This analysis showed the following results:
- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05 ≥ α) between the mean scores of the experimental group on the pre and post-writing fluency test applications for the total degree in favor of the post-test.
- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05 ≥ α) between the mean scores of the experimental group on the pre and post-writing fluency test applications for the sub-linguistic components` degree in favor of the post- test.
- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05 ≥ α) between the mean scores of the experimental group on the pre and post-self-regulation questionnaire for the total degree in favor of the post-test.
- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05 ≥ α) between the mean scores of the experimental group on the pre and post-self-regulation questionnaire for the sub-components degree in favor of the posttest.
The development in learners` writing fluency as a whole was due to using AI applications in learning could be because of the following reasons:
- AI applications were not only useful in developing the learners` WF, but it was also effective in developing their language fluency as a whole.
- AI applications encouraged learners` discussions and solving problems.
- AI applications facilitated fruitful engagement in natural verbal language abilities and writing assignments that evaluated the ability to transfer from oral to written fluency.
- AI applications in VR contexts develop observation and intellectual abilities as they stimulate their desire to solve problems, connect ideas, and link previous background knowledge to the new one.
- AI applications in VR contexts enhance learners` ability of interpretations and reflections via broadening their minds and enhancing their thinking strategies.
- AI applications motivated learners to give evidence to their shared information, interpretive comments, and ideas to construct meanings.
- AI applications enabled learners to exchange mutual ideas and relate them with their prior knowledge which also encouraged them to collaborate positively.
- AI applications promoted learners to self-evaluate themselves, and to reflect on their WF to recognize their points of strengths and weaknesses.
The current study aimed at investigating the impact of using artificial Intelligence on Enhancing EFL Language Fluency in general, writing fluency in particular, and enhancing self-regulation for Preparatory Stage students. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that:
• Using AI was obviously effective in enhancing English fluency in general and each component of writing fluency in particular.
• The AI program proved its effectiveness in enhancing the learning process via enhancing the learners` self-regulation; engaging them in an enjoyable active
learning environment where they feel the importance of learning English in their life.
• AI program was also effective in enhancing the learners` self-regulation components (orientation, performance, and evaluation) as shown in the difference in questionnaire responses of the learners before and after applying the program in favor of the post-application.
• AI will not replace teachers or their social interaction with their students via traditional teaching but it should be a part of the learning process as gamifications, VR and AR technologies.
5.7 Recommendations
According to the previous results and conclusion, the study recommends the following:
• Instructors should provide their learners with more opportunities and encouragement to improve their writing fluency and their self-regulation.
• Using a supportive learning environment has a significant impact on the learning process as it affords an enjoyable and preferable atmosphere where learners can learn in a relaxing and successful way.
• There is obvious evidence that using AI in learning can positively affect learners` language fluency in general, and writing fluency in particular in addition to enhancing learners` self–regulation.
• AI enhances rapport among learners and more effort and ideas should be afforded to enhance rapport in the whole learning environment.
• Instructors need to explore up-to-date AI applications that contribute to the reinforcement of the learning process.
• Instructors should continuously give their learners self–confidence, and provide them with opportunities to reflect on their impressions and ideas about the educational process so as to assist their development of the self – regulation`s components.
• AI learning applications should be used to develop all aspects of language fluency.
• Allowing learners to have responsibilities for their learning process and have the desire that stimulates them to work autonomously, be self-directed, and self–regulated.
5.8 Suggestions for further research
Researchers may further put into consideration the following suggestions to explore the efficiency of AI applications in enhancing learners` writing fluency and self-regulation:
• Language fluency in general in different stages needs focused attention.
• Tending to use AI educational applications in the EFL learning process is very significant and should be put into consideration for creating a motivating learning environment.
• Instructors should be aware of selecting suitable and efficient types of AI applications and chatbots that fulfill the needs of their learners and their pedagogical goals.
• Writing fluency could be successfully integrated with oral activities through AI applications.
• AI applications achieve great results in developing different aspects especially speaking and listening fluency so they are highly recommended to be used in further research for developing these language components.
• AI allows students with difficulties such as dyslexia or other health problems to study more effectively so it will be beneficial to implement AI tools in learning content, teaching methods and assessment.
• Chat GPT can provide a personalized and engaging learning experience for EFL learners, helping them improve their writing fluency and overall language proficiency so it is highly recommended to be used in further research.