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The Effectiveness of Assistive Technology in Developing LD Primary Stage Pupils’ EFL
Reading Comprehension Skills /
Hassan, Faten Mahmoud Khalil.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / faten mahmoud khalil hassan
مشرف / Ahmed Hassan Seifeddin
مشرف / Fatiha Ahmed Battikh
مشرف / nahed mohammed ghoneem
Assistive technology. EFL reading comprehension. curriculum. Learning disabilities. , Primary school pupils.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
183 p. :
المناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية التربية - Department of Curricula, Methods of Teaching & Educational Technology
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Aim of the study
The current study aimed to develop 3rd primary LD pupils’ reading comprehension skills through using assistive technology.
Instruments and materials
In order to fulfill the aim of the present study, the researcher prepared and used the following instruments:
1. A checklist of LD pupils’ problems in reading comprehension .
2. An EFL reading comprehension skills checklist .
3. An EFL reading comprehension skills test.
4. A teacher’s guide.
Participants of the study
The participants of the study comprised 10 pupils. They were chosen depending on Woxelar IQ test from primary three pupils enrolled in El Shaheed Khalied Allam Primary School, Shebeen Educational Directorate, Menoufia governorate, during the second semester of the 2021-2022 scholastic year.
Hypotheses of the study
1. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on overall reading comprehension skills pre - posttest.
2. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on skimming for the main idea pre –posttest.
3. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on scanning for details pre –posttest.
4. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on deriving the meaning of unfamiliar words.
5. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on using some grammatical rules.
The procedures
1. Reviewing the literature and previous studies related to EFL reading comprehension skills, assistive technology and learning disabilities.
2. Selecting the participants of the study from third graders at El Shaheed Khalied Allam Primary School, Shebeen Educational Directorate, Menoufia governorate, during the second semester of the 2021-2022 scholastic year.
3. Preparing the instruments of the study, validating them and computing their reliability.
4. Teaching the study group using AT.
5. Reading comprehension pretests to the participants of the study.
6. Reading comprehension post tests to the participants of the study .
7. Treating data statistically.
8. Interpreting the results of the study in terms of the hypotheses and the related studies.
9. Presenting the recommendations and suggestions.
1. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on overall reading comprehension skills pre - posttest.
2. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on skimming for the main idea pre –posttest.
3. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on scanning for details pre –posttest.
4. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on deriving the meaning of unfamiliar words.
5. There is a statistically significant difference between the study group’s mean score on using some grammatical rules.
In accordance with the findings and conclusions of the current study, the following recommendations were presented:
1. EFL teachers should increase the LD students’ roles in reading classes and minimize their own role.
2. EFL reading comprehension skills should be given more attention in EFL classes. More time and efforts should be exerted to develop the main reading skill and its sub-skills.
3. LD pupils should be aware of the different reading comprehension sub skills that have to be mastered.
4. Assistive technology is recommended to be implemented in teaching EFL reading comprehension skills to primary stage LD pupils.
5. Providing a good atmosphere helps LD pupils to participate in the reading class and develop as readers.
6. As the reading comprehension skill is a life skill, it should receive the appropriate attention it deserves. More focus should be given to it in different educational stages.
7. EFL teachers who teach at the primary stage should be encouraged to use assistive technology with LD pupils.
8. EFL teachers should be provided with specific training programs to help them use assistive technology to teach English language skills.
9. More consideration should be taken to enhance the LD pupils’ awareness of the reading comprehension skills through implicit instruction in the early stage of education explicit instruction from the early classes.
10. Remedial programs should be made designed to help LD pupils/ students overcome their difficulties in the reading classes.
Suggestions for further Researcher
The following suggestions can be considered for further research
1. The effectiveness of the students’ learning strategies in developing other language skills such as oral communication skills (speaking and listening).
2. Further research is needed to replicate the present study with other stages for varied participants.
3. The effect of using assistive technology on developing EFL reading comprehension skills among preparatory / secondary school LD pupils.
4. Using other technological applications to help college students develop speaking and /or writing.