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التخطيط للارتقاء بدور مؤسسات تعليم الكبار فى تحقيق الإبداع لإعداد القيادات الإدارية /
العزب، أسامة عبدالحميد عبدالقوى أحمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسامة عبدالحميد عبدالقوى أحمد العزب
مشرف / محسن محمود خضر
مشرف / أحمد محمد محمد عبدالعزيز
مشرف / فتحية عبد الجواد أحمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
312ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية - قسم أصول التربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 312

from 312


Study summary in EnglishFirst: Introduction:In the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, the world witnessed decisive change, huge events, and rapid successive changes that turned the scales in various areas of life upside down, within the framework of the third wave, which is represented in: scientific revolution, communications revolution, technological revolution, and information revolution, and the tremendous discoveries that occurred by the end of the last century and the beginning of the third millennium, and divided the world with a deep cultural and scientific gap.
Despite the Arab efforts that led to an improvement in quality of life and provision and quality of education, achievements by the end of the twentieth century remain below expectations, and poverty is still widespread (economic poverty, intellectual poverty, social poverty... etc.). As a result, educational opportunities decrease and the level of health care decreases, in addition to other problems such as unemployment, violence and other problems.
The question here is “why do we need adult education ?
To upgrade competitive capabilities (objective of the Arab master plan) and empower all citizens with capabilities, skills and information necessary to raise these capabilities.
This happens through inclusion of programs offered by adult education institutions to develop the creative capabilities of administrative leaders, and from here the current study is launched so that the role of adult education institutions can be upgraded in achieving the elements of creativity in the programs of preparing administrative leaders.
Second: Study’s Problem and Questions:
Through a review of the literature presented that refers to the role of adult education institutions in achieving the elements of creativity in the programs of preparing administrative leaders.
This role appears clearly in facing the problems of society and its advancement. Nevertheless, the inductee and analyst of educational tools sees that there are shortcomings in this role and this appears, through the problems of society that could have been solved if adult education institutions played their role towards achieving the elements of creativity in administrative leaders’ preparation programs.
Therefore, the current study attempts to study the gap between the expected role and the actual role of adult education institutions in achieving the elements of creativity in the programs of preparing administrative leaders.
In light of this, the study problem can be formulated in the following question:
How can planning to upgrade the role of adult education institutions in achieving creativity for the preparation of administrative leaders?
The following sub-questions arise from it:
1. What is the reality of preparing administrative leaders in institutions ?
2. What is the basic structure of creativity in preparing administrative leaders ?
3. What is the role of adult education institutions in preparing administrative leaders ?
4. What is the proposed vision for upgrading the role of adult education institutions in achieving creativity for the preparation of administrative leaders ?
Third: Study’s Objectives:
The study seeks to achieve a number of main objectives, perhaps the most important of which are:
1. Monitoring the reality of preparing administrative leaders in institutions.
2. Analyzing the infrastructure of creativity in preparing administrative leaders.
3. Identifying the role of adult education institutions in preparing administrative leaders.
4. Develop a proposed vision for upgrading the role of adult education institutions in achieving creativity for the preparation of administrative leaders.
Fourth: The importance of the study:
The importance of this study stems from:
1. The vital impact of the distinctive abilities of the creative personality in achieving the goals of public organizations, as it represents the first step on the path to improving the performance level of individuals.
2. This study may help adult education institutions in Egypt in developing their work in a way that contributes to achieving creativity for the preparation of administrative leaders.
3. It also highlights the importance of its scientific and theoretical contribution to identifying the reality of administrative creativity in Egypt by providing information on the factors affecting creativity as seen by workers in adult education institutions.
4. Work to increase awareness and knowledge of administrative leaders in Egypt about the importance of administrative creativity and its role in solving problems, facing obstacles and challenges, addressing negatives, and taking appropriate and timely decisions in order to achieve goals with a high level of efficiency and effectiveness.
Fifth: Study Methodology:
The study uses a complex methodology consisting of:
1. The descriptive approach: to enhance the spirit of participation between the researcher and the respondent by holding several interviews to collect information related to the research problem in a direct manner and focusing on the extent of the reflection and impact of the phenomenon on the respondents. Easily.
2. The systems approach: which helps in identifying the problems of the educational system, and develops positive solutions to them, and helps in reaching objectivity in experimentation and making judgments; The systems approach is one of the best ways to determine the learning requirements accurately, and through the systems approach, the most important inputs that affect the training programs and the processes within these programs were analyzed and the final outputs evaluated.
3. SWOT Method: The “SWOT” analysis in English is an acronym used to describe Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and the main objective of the Strengths Analysis weaknesses, opportunities and threats; It is to help organizations develop full awareness of all the factors involved in decision-making, as it is done before committing to any type of action, so SWOT analysis is used to discover recommendations and strategies, with a focus on taking advantage of strengths and opportunities to overcome weaknesses and threats, it is A planning process that helps to overcome challenges, determine what leads to their achievement, and develop full awareness of all the factors involved in decision-making in an organization.
Sixth: Study Tools:
Given the nature and objectives of the field study, the following tools were used:
1. Unregulated interviews with a research group for some administrative leaders in the governorates of Cairo, Menoufia and Minya.
2. Observing in partnership with the beneficiaries of leadership development programs implemented by adult education institutions.
Seventh: Steps of the Study:
The study proceeds according to the following steps:
First step: Defining the general framework of the study, which includes the need for the study, problem, objectives and importance of the study, limits and methodology of the study, previous studies, terminology and plan of the study.
Second step: Developing a theoretical framework for the study that includes the following aspects:
1. Monitoring the reality of preparing administrative leaders in institutions.
2. Analyzing the infrastructure of creativity in preparing administrative leaders.
3. Identifying the role of adult education institutions in preparing administrative leaders.
Third step: The field study: The procedures of the field study were dealt with in terms of the study’s objectives, tools, sample, application procedures, difficulty, statistical treatment and its results.
Fourth step: Developing a proposed vision for upgrading the role of adult education institutions in achieving creativity for the preparation of administrative leaders.