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Over-the-Air (OTA) Programming for Automotive/
Radwaan, Ahmed Nasr Eldeen Anwer.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد نصر الدين أنور رضوان
مشرف / باسم أمين حامد عبدالله
مشرف / ماجد محمد غنيمة
مناقش / باسم أمين حامد عبدالله
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
145p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الهندسة - الهندسة الكهربية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 145


This thesis reviews state of the art about Over-The-Air (OTA) implementations in different fields like wireless programmers, wireless sensor networks, OTA nodes, and automotive. It also shows suggestions for OTA architecture that is compatible with automotive. Our approach is developed, implemented, and evaluated through two experiments.
This thesis is divided into five chapters as shown below
Chapter 1
Gives an introduction to the automotive industry and vehicle’s life cycle and focuses on the importance of reprogramming software for automotive and its aspects. It shows the motivation behind working on the OTA for automotive. It explains the big picture of the problem, then gives an overview of the work done in this thesis.
Chapter 2
Gives an overview of the different categories of OTA challenges mentioned in more studies and papers related to the OTA area. It explains some papers categorized into different fields from the implementation side. After that, it reviews them one by one and shows suggestions that are compatible with the automotive environment. Our scope is shown in detail to prove of concept.
Chapter 3
Gives the basic theoretical foundations on which our work is based. It presents our approach to developing OTA architecture by explaining its main structure, finite state machine, and sequence diagrams. It explains to implement the OTA system that is compatible with vehicles. It shows the process followed for updating firmware used in our work.
Chapter 4
Shows our experiments, their steps, and their result. It explains also the diagrams and components used to do experiments and the methodology followed to perform our scope.
Chapter 5
Represents the conclusion of this thesis and future work.
Keywords: Embedded Systems, OTA, IoT, GSM, Wi-Fi, Cloud, HTTP, FTP, Firmware, FOTA, Automotive