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Evaluating Nurses’ Performance regarding Application of Discharge Plan for Elderly Patients at Beni-Suef University Hospital /
Hussein, Hanaa Shaaban.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هناء شعبان حسين
مشرف / أمل محمد عبد العظيم
مشرف / سلوي احمد محمد
مشرف / ايمان محمد الشربيني
Nurse and patient. Older people Medical care. Geriatric nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
109 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة مجتمع
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Discharge-Planning Process in hospitals is inherently complex. Information from many sources must be gathered, including patient-specific information regarding functional status and patient and family preferences, as well as information about available community resources. Alternatives must be generated based on the information gathered, and one alternative must be selected and implemented. This selection involves trading off factors that patient, their families, and health care workers may value differently (Berlin, & Stefan, 2021).
Hospital discharge planners generally recognize variations in patient characteristics when making their recommendations. Besides the factors already mentioned, discharge planners must consider availability of caretakers at home, ethnicity, age, socio-demographics, previous hospitalizations, and technology dependence (Facchinetti, et al., 2019).
So the current study aimed to evaluate nurses’ performance regarding application of discharge plan for elderly patients at Beni-Suef university hospital . The performance of the studied will be assessed through:
1-Assessment knowledge of the studied nurses regarding of the discharge plan.
2-Assessment performance of the studied nurses regarding the application of the discharge plan.
Research question:
• What is the level of nurses’ performance regarding application of discharge plan for elderly patients at Beni-Suef university hospital?
Research design:
A descriptive research design was used to achieve the aim of the current study. This study was conducted in Beni-Suef university hospital. Simple random sample of 100 nurses worked at Beni-Suef university hospital who accepted to participate in the study.
A convenient Sample of all available nurses ( 100) in in-patient worked at Beni-Suef university hospital and who accepted to participate in the study.
Tools of data collection:
Two data collection tools were used to collect the data of the current study:
Tool I: an interviewing questionnaire tool:
It was developed by researcher after reviewing the national and international related literature. It consists of two parts:
Part I: Socio-demographic characteristics:
This part aims to collect data about nurses’ socio-demographic characteristics and includes: age, gender, educational level, previous courses, years of experience … etc.
Part II: Nurses’ knowledge regarding discharge planning:
This part aims to collect knowledge of nurses regarding discharge is consists of 7 multiple choice question, Each question had different number of correct answers, and the nurses were asked to choose more than one answer, for each answer , the correct answer scored as (1) and (0) for incorrect answer.
Tool II: Nurses’ reported practice regarding discharge plan assessment check list:
This part aims to collect studied nurses’ reported practice discharge plan , it consists of items related nurses practice discharge assessment tasks, nurses practice at 5-7 days prior discharge ,1-2 days prior discharge and at the day of discharge. Practice scores were “completely done”, “partially done “and “not done” which scored 2 for completely done , 1 for partially done one and zero for not done.
Data Collection Procedure
An approval was obtained from the director of Beni-Suef university hospital. A letter was issued to them from the Faculty of Nursing, Beni- Suef University, explaining the aim of the study in order to obtain their permission and cooperation.
Data collections of the study take four months. Data collection of the study was started at the beginning of September 2020, and completed by the end of December 2020. The investigator attended at Beni-Suef university hospital. Three days per week from 9am to 2pm for nurses.
The investigator first explained the aim of the study to the nurses and reassures them that information collected was treated confidentiality and that it was used only for the purpose of the research. The investigator interviewed nurses at Beni-Suef university hospital, and the investigator observe red nurses’ performance during their work, the investigator evaluates each nurse, and the time consumed was ranged 15: 20 minutes for each nurse for observation checklist.
The present study revealed the following main results:
• More than three quarters of the studied nurses had inadequate level of knowledge regarding the elderly discharge plan.
• Nearly half of the studied nurses had unsatisfactory practice regarding the elderly discharge plan.
• There is a highly positive association between nurses’ total level of knowledge and practices regarding the discharge plan.
• Also there is a significant and highly significant relation between studied nurses’ performance (knowledge and practice) regarding elderly discharge plan and their age, years of experience and educational qualification.
The current study concluded that:
More than three quarters of nurses had inadequate knowledge about total elderly discharge plan .In addition nearly half of them had unsatisfactory practice toward discharge plan.
Furthermore there is a highly positive association between nurses’ total level of knowledge and their total level of practices regarding elderly discharge plan.
Also there is a significant and highly significant relation between studied nurses’ performance regarding elderly discharge plan and their age, years of experience and educational qualification.
In the light of results of this study, the following recommendations were suggested:
 Enhancing nurses knowledge and practice regarding the elderly discharge plan should be improved through an instructional and educational Programs
 Provide requirements and needs of elderly patients to provide plan of care after discharge.
 Further studies should be conducted in different settings.
 Further studies such as: Effect of Intervention Program of Nurses Performance Regarding Discharge Plan.