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Abd El Atty, Dina Shaban.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / دينا شعبان عبد العاطي خليفة
مشرف / نهي سمير دنيا
مناقش / علي نبيه البحراوي
مناقش / أحمد كمال معوض
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
114 P. :
الهندسة (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - قسم العلوم الهندسية
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Water distribution system management to reduce physical leakage has become one of the most important targets of the water utilities around the world, especially in the developing countries which face a lot of challenges with the increasing demand of potable water whether because of the climate changes, water resources problems, or high costs of treatment.
The process of monitoring of the WDS is permanent and the flow chart of the management is continuous, it starts with collecting data about the network elements, developing a hydraulic model, analyzing the results, suggesting solution to reduce leakage, applying the chosen approach, and recollect data to keep on controlling the system.
DMA approach is considered to be the most practical way to divide a big and complicated WDS, there are some difficulties with studying DMA with more than one inlet/outlet, but according to the nature of Monufia governorate in Egypt which a lot of wells are considered to be the main water source to its villages, the construction of DMA was not that difficult and it showed a promising result that is considered to be a good base to generalize the strategy to all WDS.
Measuring the actual inlet flow and pressure for a long time period gives a solid base for analysis of the water balance, along with a good organized billing data.
As accurate as the input data, as accurate as the results of the hydraulic model. With the usage of large scale of data about the DMA, the network pipe diameters, lengths, material, installation year…etc., valves locations and status, A hydraulic model was developed to simulate the behavior of the actual network and saves time and money to measure the impact of changing pressure on the network and also the rate of leakage
In order to fully evaluate the WDS, a practical performance indicator was used, it was the Infra Leakage Index ILI, which assess the leakage rate with respect to the characteristics of the network, therefore a local evaluation can be made and DMAs can be compared with each other and the same DMA can be compared with itself before and after correction action is done.
Pressure reducing valve is the most popular method of controlling the network pressure, it has to be installed after a good study in order to avoid affecting the service level during airable consumption, also a good maintenance plan has to be made.