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الأمر وموقوعه في القرآن الكريم :
شحاته، نفين عبداللطيف مصطفى،
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نفين عبد اللطيف مصطفى شحات
مشرف / إبراهيم إيراهيم بركات
مناقش / محمد ماهر محمد عبدالحميد
مناقش / ندا الحسيني يوسف
اللغة العربية - نحو. اللغة العربية - صرف - دراسة وتعليم.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكتروني (317 صفحة) :
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة العربية وادابها
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 317

from 317


Addressing this Research (the matter and its location in the Holy Qur’an - a grammatical-semantic study). In it, I focus on studying the command in its various forms, and the link between the command and its location structurally and semantically, through the different contexts in its places, with the study of what is forbidden from it, and highlighting its plurality, either symmetrically or otherwise, and clarifying the meaning of this plurality through the context, and studying it grammatically. and semantically. In my research, I relied on the descriptive approach based on analysis, induction and conclusion. where the research investigates the matter and its location, then enumerates it, and I mentioned the patterns of the matter along with its location, then I analyzed it grammatically and semantically to reach the desired results, with mentioning the rhetorical indications and purposes of the different forms of the matter and its location, with the help of statistics in clarifying the most frequent of the matter and its location. This research included: an introduction, a preface, four chapters, a conclusion, and indexesIntroduction: In it, I mentioned the research topic, its importance, the reason for choosing the topic, and the methodology used in the research, along with mentioning the most important previous studies on this topic. Preamble: In this topic, the definition of: command is linguistically. It’s up to the grammarians. Rank in command. - The meaning of the matter for the fundamentalists. imperative forms. The language of the site. - idiomatically located. The first chapter: the abstract command forms, their location and their semantic relationship. The first topic: (the abstract matter and its singular case). The second topic: (the abstract matter and its location is a responsible source). The third topic: (the abstract matter and the subject of the sentence). The fourth topic: (the abstract command and its location is similar to the sentence). The fifth topic: (the abstract command and its location is a conditional construction). The sixth topic: (the abstract command and the case of the call + a sentence). The seventh topic: (the abstract command and its location is an answer letter). The eighth topic: (the abstract matter and its multiple locations). The ninth topic: (the abstract command and the deletion of its context). Commenting and extracting the different implications in this chapter. The second chapter: the imperative forms, their location, and their semantic relationship. The first topic: the command is more, the formula: (verb) weak eye. The second topic: The more command is the form: (subject) The third topic: The more command is the form: (do) The fourth topic: The more command is the form: (do) The fifth topic: The more command is the form: (interact) The sixth topic: The more command is the form: (do) The seventh topic: the command is more in the form of: (do) a comment and deduction of the different connotations in this chapter.The third chapter: the present tense associated with (lam al-amr), and the present tense preceded by (la al-nahiyah), their position and their semantic relationship.First: the present tense associated with (lam al-amr) The firt topic: the present tense associated with (lam al-amr) and its singular case. The second topic: the present tense associated with (lam al-amr) and its case is similar to the sentence. The third topic: the present tense associated with (lam al-amr) and the plurality of its case.Secondly: the command in the present tense preceded by (not the infinitive). The first topic: the present tense preceded by (no infinitive) and its singular case. The second topic: the present tense preceded by (not the infinitive) and its location is a verb noun. The third topic: presenting the subject to the present tense preceded by (no) the infinitive. The fourth topic: Including - the present tense preceded by (not) the infinitive - the meaning of another verb: the fifth topic: the present tense preceded by (not the infinitive) and its subject in the sentence. The sixth topic: the present tense preceded by (no infinitive) and its case is similar to the sentence. The seventh topic: the present tense preceded by (no infinitive) and its omitted case. Commenting and extracting the different implications in this chapter.Chapter Four: The verb of the omitted command, and the metaphorical forms of the command, are dealt with.The research reached several results, the most important of which are:First - The command is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an with an abstract verb and more, and in the name of the verb of the command, and in the present tense preceded by the blame of the command, and the prohibition in the present tense preceded by (no) the forbidding.A- In the first place in terms of the number of roses, the verb of the explicit command, abstract and more, came in one thousand one hundred and fifty places, and this indicates that the will of the command is explicitly more important than otherwise.B- He recited the explicit command in the rank in terms of times of occurrence, the commanding method in the present tense preceded by (no) the prohibition in three hundred and sixty-three places, and this confirms the fundamental rule: forbidding something is an order against it, and commanding something is forbidding its opposite, so the command is an implicit prohibition and vice versa.C- Then the command in the present tense preceded by (lam) the request is mentioned in fifty-nine places, and it is less in the request than the explicit command and the prohibition; Because the origin is that the formula of the present tense is the formula of a predicate unless the mother of the matter enters it; And because the Qur’an is a speech addressed to the reader and the listener, and the (lam) of the request is only for the absent, so the request with it is less than the explicit command and the prohibition. Secondly, the verb command is obligatory or permissible is omitted to lead to connotations, including:A- The indication of warning and intimidation. B - the significance of temptation and enticement. C- Willing to generalize with abbreviation. Third - The subject matter of the command varies in the Holy Qur’an between the noun, the sentence, the semi-sentence, and others with the abstract command and more, and the present tense preceded by (la) the prohibition and (lam) the request; where a singular, dual, plural, compound, associative, and other nouns are mentioned; In one thousand one hundred and nineteen places.A- The subject is mentioned as a noun in five hundred and fourteen places with the abstract command.B- The person to whom the order is signed is mentioned as a noun with the verb more in its various forms in three hundred and fifty places.