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190 P. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم المحاصيل
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Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Station of Agricultural Production and Research Station, National Research Centre, El-Nubaria region, El-Behaira Governorate, Egypt during the summer seasons of 2019/20, 2020/21 to study the impact of mineral and nanoscale nitrogen fertilization on the productivity of canola varieties under salt stress levels.
Experiment included the following factors:
a- salinity levels:
1. control (Tap water).
2. 2000 ppm.
3. 4000 ppm.
b- canola genotypes:
1. Serw 4.
2. Agamax.
3. Trabber.
c- Nitrogen fertilization levels:
1. 100% recommended dose (190kg N ha-1).
2. 50% from recommended dose (95kg N ha-1+5L Nano N ha-1).
3. 25% from recommended dose (47.5kg N ha-1+5L Nano N ha-1)
4. 5L Nano N ha-1.
The results obtained can be summarized as follows:
1. Growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
1.1. Effect of salinity on growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
Increasing salinity concentration from tap water to 4000 led to decrease vegetative traits. In this respect, salinity stress at 4000 ppm reduced plant height 12.28, 13.19 and 3.63%, number of leaves plant-1, 28.19, 40.18 and 18.36%, number of branches plant-1 38.62, 38.80 and 37.51%, stem dry weight plant-1 55.91, 2.91 and 21.44% as well as leaves dry weight plant-1 21.21,51.06 and 21.69% compared to tap water at 80, 100 and 120 days after sowing (DAS), respectively. In addition, number of siliques plant-1 decreased by 28.30% and siliques dry weight plant-1 43.85% at 120 DAS only.
1.2. Effect of canola genotypes on growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
Trabber genotype showed maximum growth parameter for all vegetative growth traits except plant height compared to the other two genotypes under then investigation. While Serw4 genotype recorded the highest value in plant height at 80,100 and 120 DAS.
1.3. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
The combination between nano and convention nitrogen fertilization. 95 kg N ha-1 and foliar application with 5L nano-N ha-1 treatment caused an increase amounted to 5.60%, 5.49% and 6.37% in plant height, 23.56%, 16.37% and 21.46% in number of leaves plant-1, 5.69%, 22.04 and 19.29% in number of branches plant−1, 24.86%, 6.66% and 19.94% in stem dry weight plant−1,48.67%, 20.72% and 3.62% in leaves dry weight plant−1 at 80, 100 and 120 DAS , respectively, as well as 23.10% and 34.01% in number of siliques and siliques dry weight plant−1 at 120 DAS compared to recommended dose 190 kg N ha-1.
1.4. Effect of interaction between salinity levels and canola genotypes on growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
Generally, Trabber genotype irrigated by tap water gave the highest values of number of leaves plant-1, number of branch plant-1, stem dry weight and dry leaves, while Agamax genotype irrigated with 4000 ppm gave the lowest values in all pervious vegetative growth traits at 80, 100 and 120 DAS.
1.5. Effect of interaction between salinity levels and nitrogen fertilization on growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
Regarding the interaction between salinity levels and integrated between conventional nitrogen fertilizer (95 kg N ha-1 plus5L nano-N ha-1) and under irrigation with tap water exhibited the highest values of plant height, number of leaves plant-1, number of branches plant-1, dry stem weight plant-1, dry leaves weight plant-1 compared to other salt levels under fertilization treatment different. On the other hand, fertilizers with nano N 5L ha-1 with 4000 ppm concentration gave the lowest value of all pervious traits.
1.6. Effect of interaction between canola genotypes and nitrogen fertilization on growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
Trabber genotype gave the best respoe under 95kgN ha-1plus 5L nano N ha-1 in all vegetative traits, and recorded an increases in plant height by 2.06%, 5.70% and 9.94%, number of leaves plant-1 34.35%, 14.57% and 11.65%, number of branches plant-1 0.26%, 22.45% and 17.71%, stem dry weight plant-1 44.78%, 20.59% and 25.78%, leaves dry weight plant-1 62.38%, 19.04% and 5.75% at 80,100,120 DAS, receptively, number of siliques plant-112.63% and siliques dry weight plant-1 31.43% at 120 DAS compared with Trabber genotype under recommended dose (190 kg N ha-1). On the other hand, Agamax genotype under nano N 5L ha-1 gave the lowest values with all growth traits studied.
1.7. Effect of interaction between salinity levels, canola genotypes and nitrogen fertilization on growth traits after 80, 100 and 120 days from sowing:
Serw4 genotype was fertilized with 95kg N plus 5L nano N ha-1 under 2000 ppm surpassed showed tallest in plants. while the Serw4 genotype was fertilized 5L nano N ha-1 under 4000 ppm recorded the lowest value of the plant height The treatment tap water+ Trabber genotype and 95 kg N plus 5L nano N ha-1 surpassed other varieties in vegetative traits under study, while the treatments 4000 ppm+ Agamax genotype and 5L nano N ha-1 recorded lowest value at 80,100 and 120 DAS
2. Yield and yield attributes traits:
2.1. Effect of salinity on yield and yield attributes traits:
Increasing salinity concentration of irrigation water up to 4000 ppm, led to decrease in the number of branches plant-1 by 19.85%, number of siliques plant-1 by 27.24%, seed weight by 32.26%, 1000 seed weight by 5.09%, seed yield by 30.09%, straw yield by 17.86% and biological yield by 21.20% compared with control (tap water).
2.2. Effect of canola genotypes on yield and yield attributes traits:
Trabber genotype excelled other genotypes significantly in most of the yield characteristics and its components such as, number of branches plant-1, number of siliques plant-1, seed weight, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, biological yield and straw yield. While Serw4 genotype was the superior in plant height.
2.3. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield and yield attributes traits:
Integration 95 kg N ha-1 plus 5L nano N ha-1showed superiority over all tested application treatments, obtained the highest values of plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of siliques plant-1, seed weight, seed yield, biological yield, straw yield and 1000- seed weight, the increase was as follows 3.54%, 15.06%, 9.94%, 7.69%, 10.29%, 10.71%, 10.69% and 1.17% respectively compared to recommended dose.
2.4. Effect of interaction between salinity levels and canola genotypes on yield and yield attributes traits:
Trabber genotype irrigated by tap water was the efficient interaction treatment for enhancing number of branches plant-1, number of siliques plant-1, seed yield, biological yield, straw yield and seed weight. Moreover, Serw4 genotype was more efficient to produce higher values of plant height and 1000- seed weight under irrigation with tap water than irrigated by salinity water.
2.5. Effect of interaction between salinity levels and nitrogen fertilization on yield and yield traits:
Addition of 95 kg N ha-1 and foliar application with 5Lnano-Nha-1 and irrigation by tap water exhibited the highest values of plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of siliques plant-1, seed weight, 1000- seed weight, seed yield, straw yield, biological yield. While Nano N 5L ha-1 under 4000 ppm recorded the lowest values in all studied traits.
2.6. Effect of interaction between canola genotypes and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield attributes:
Seed, straw, and biological yield and seed weight plant-1were increased when Trabber genotype fertilized with 95 kg N ha-1 and 5 L nano-N ha-1 by 9.82%, 6.72%, 8.14% and 7.97%, receptively compared with recommended dose of nitrogen (190 kg N plus 5L nano N ha-1). Meanwhile, Trabber genotype exhibited the highest values of siliques number plant-1 when fertilized with 190 kg N ha-1. On the other hand, Serw 4 gave the highest 1000- seed weight when fertilized with 95 kg N ha-1 plus 5 L nano-N ha-1.
2.7. Effect of interaction between salinity levels, canola genotypes and nitrogen fertilization yield and yield attributes traits:
The maximum values of number of branches plant-1, seed weight plant-1, seed yield, straw yield and biological yield were achieved for Trabber genotype irrigated by tap water (control) when fertilized with 95 kg N ha-1 and foliar application with 5 L nano-N ha-1. While, the interaction among tape water (control), recommended dose of nitrogen (190 kg N ha-1) with Trabber genotype achieved the highest values of number of siliques plant-1. On the other hand, Serw 4 irrigated with tap water (control) and received recommended dose of nitrogen (190 kg N ha-1) achieved maximum 1000- seed weight. While, when fertilized with 95 kg N ha-1 + foliar application with 5 L nano-N ha-1 gave the highest values of plant height.
3. chemical traits:
3.1. Effect of salinity on chemical traits:
Oil percentage and nitrogen uptake in yield traits showed reduction in its values when exposed to salinity stress of 4000 ppm of irrigation water comparing to tap water. The reduction for oil percentage by 10.33%, for nitrogen uptake in yield by 23.69% for application of water 4000 ppm, respectively. While, protein percentage, nitrogen in seeds and nitrogen uptake in yield showed increase in its values (5.90 and 12.01) % when exposed to salinity stress of 4000 ppm of irrigation water comparing to tap water (control).
3.2. Effect of canola genotypes on chemical traits:
Trabber showed maximum parameter of oil percentage, protein percentage, nitrogen in seeds and nitrogen uptake in yield compared to the other genotypes under this investigation.
3.3. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on chemical traits:
Application of 95 kg N ha-1(50% of the recommended dose) plus 5 L ha-1 nano N fertilizer showed superiority over all application treatments where it gives values of 6.75, 3.48, 1.63 and 7.71% for oil, protein percentage, nitrogen in seed and nitrogen uptake in yield compared to recommended dose fertilization 190 Kg N ha-1, respectively.
3.4. Effect of interaction between salinity levels and canola genotypes on chemical traits:
Interaction between Trabber genotype which irrigated by tap water gave the highest values of oil percentage and nitrogen uptake in yield. While, the treatment Trabber plants irrigated by 2000 and 4000 ppm saline water recorded the highest values of protein percentage and nitrogen in seeds compared to other genotypes under previous irrigated treatment.
3.5. Effect of interaction between canola genotypes and nitrogen fertilizer on chemical traits:
Trabber genotype gave the best response to the treatment (95 kg N ha-1 + 5 L nano N ha-1), where the values of the recorded parameters were the highest for the studied characters oil percentage, protein percentage, nitrogen in seeds and nitrogen uptake in yield, respectively. While, the lowest values of the studied characters recorded by the treatment Agamax and 5 L nano N ha-1.
3.6. Effect of interaction between salinity levels and nitrogen fertilizer on chemical traits:
The effect of treatment 95 kg N ha-1 + 5 L nano-N ha-1 as a foliar application and tap water exhibited the highest values of oil percentage and nitrogen uptake in yield. On the contrary, the treatment 190 N ha-1 application and 4000 ppm exhibited the highest values of protein percentage and nitrogen in seeds.
3.7. Effect of interaction between salinity levels, canola genotypes and nitrogen fertilizer on chemical traits:
The treatment tap water+ Trabber genotype and 95kg N plus 5L nano N ha-1 surpassed in oil percentage and nitrogen uptake in yield. while The treatment 4000 ppm+ Trabber genotype+ 95 kgN plus 5L nano N ha-1 recorded the highest value of protein percentage and nitrogen in seeds. on the contrary, the treatment tap water+ Agamax genotype+ 5L nano N ha-1 recorded the lowest value of protein percentage and nitrogen in seed. Whereas, the treatment 4000 ppm+ Agamax genotype+ 5L nano N ha-1 recorded the lowest value of oil percentage nitrogen uptake in yield.
3.8. Effect of interaction between salinity levels, canola genotypes and nitrogen fertilizer on fatty acids:
Treatment tap water+ Trabber genotype+ 190 kgN ha-1 recoded the highest percentages of palmitic, linoleic and linolenic. While, the treatment 2000 ppm +Trabber genotype +95 kgNha-1 plus 5L nanoN ha-1 recorded the highest value of oleic. the highest values of erusic acid recorded by the treatments tap water+ Serw4 genotype+ 190 kgN ha-1, tap water+ Agamax genotype+ 190 kgN ha-1 and tap water+ Serw4 genotype+5L nano Nha-1.
In the current study, compared to Serw 4, Agamax and Trabber genotypes and integrated between mineral and nano-nitrogen under salinity stress conditions. Where, Trabber genotype showed higher vegetative growth, yield components, yield, and quality under normal and salinity stress conditions. Therefore, Traber genotype must be taken into account for its high productivity under normal and salinity stress conditions. Application of integration between 190 kg N/ha (50% of the recommended dose) + foliar application with nanoscale nitrogen 5 L/ha showed superiority over all application treatments studied under normal and salinity stress conditions.