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113 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - إنتاج الدواجن
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This testing be carried in next to Poultry farm, poultry creation sector, Faculty of cultivation, Ain Shams University. The most important geals of the near study on the genetic studies for determining genes Poultry strains responsible for the quality of the meat. In general, studies trait of Ross and Indian River will be discussed later in details.
The main results obtained could be summarized as follows.
1.Heat measurements
1.1. Respiratory rate
The showed results that Indian River strain was high significant in this the age compared to Ross strain. Also, found that treatment was high significant in this the age compared to control group.
1.2. Rectal temperature
Rectal temperature of Ross and Indian River strains was not a significant effect of strains. But, and treatment was high significant in this the age compared to control group.
2. Body weight
It could observe that no effect significant between strains (Ross and Indian River) at 1,2and3 week of become old. But, found consequence to a great size heavier boring deceased substance at 4 also 5 weeks of older for Indian River weigh against to Ross strain. However, the heat treatment was a significant decrease body weight at different age from these studies.
3. body weight gain
showed that body weight gain and of Indian river and Ross broiler chicks. The results revealed that the body weight gain at 14-28 day of age of Indian river broiler chicks was significantly heavier than that for Ross ones. However, at 28-42 day of age, the Ross broiler chicks were significantly heavier body weight gain compared to Indian River in control and contrast in treatment. Moreover, form 14 to 42 day of age, the Ross strain was significantly compared to Indian River ones.
4. Body measurements
All body measurements (keel length, shank length and body depth) found that Indian River had significantly longer shank bone and body depth compared to Ross strain at 5 weeks of age. While, the heat treatment was significant effect compared to control groups. Also, the interaction between (strains * treatment) were significant. But, The Ross had significantly longer keel length compared to Indian River at 5 weeks of age.
5. carcass traits under heat stress
Showed that Ross strain was high significant in (heart, Weight of legs, Weight of head, Weight of head, Thigh, Weight of the pin, Weight of breast and Weight of major) compared to Indian River strain. But, found that no significant different between the treatment and control.
6. Meat quality
Showed that some traits (PH, % moisture content and Water holding capacity (WHC) were effect significant for strains and treatment.
7- feed consumption
Showed that feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio of Indian river and Ross broiler chicks. With respect to feed consumption, it could speculated that Ross broiler chicks were consumed higher feed compared to Indian River ones. There was no significant difference among strains for feed conversion ration calculated from 14 to 28 day of age, although the Indian river was significantly high feed conversion ratio calculated from 14 to 28 day and 28 to 42 day of age compared to Ross ones.
8- blood parameter
At 5 weeks of age, the Ross broiler chicks were significantly higher plasma total protein (PTP) level compared to remaining strains. Conversely, the Indian River strain was significantly lower PTP level compared to Ross ones. With respect to plasma albumen (PA) level, non-significantly both Ross and indian river.
9. Gene expression
They showed results that no significantly differences in Myostatin expression levels between Ross strain and Indian River strain in control, In contrast, the birds under heat stress showed decrease Myostatin expression levels compared with control, whereas Ross strain exhibited significantly higher gene expression (p <0.05) than Indian River strain.