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Chemical studies on some quinazoline compounds having biological activity /
Abdel Azize, Ayman El Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ayman El-Sayed Abd El-Aziz
مشرف / Mahasen Saad Amine
مشرف / Ahmed Mo’men El-Masry
مناقش / Mohamed Hussein M. Ahmed
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
99 p. :
Organic Chemistry
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
اتحاد مكتبات الجامعات المصرية - CHEMISTRY
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 74

from 74


This work aims to synthe ize ome new quinazoline derivati es
and to rudy their biological activity. It in olves synthesis and reaction
of 4-(2-meth 1-4-oxo-4H-quiuazolin- ~- lj-benzoie acid 1, ia the reaction
of benzoxazinooe \. ith p-amino benzoic acid afforded l. Ethyl est r of
the latter. 4-(2-111ethyl-4-o.• -4H-quinllzol:in-3- Ijbenzoic acid eth I e tel
2, wa reacted with hydraziue hydrate to give the corr .pouding 4-(2-
methyl-a-ox -4H-ql1il111Zo1in-” ljbenzoic Acid 11drazide 3 which in tumreacted with active methylene compounds namely acetyl acetone and
ethyl acet acetate to give pyrazole derivative, 3.[4.”:- .diruethyl,
pyrazole-Lcarbon l)phenyl]-2-meth 1-”H-quinazolin-4-one /I and 2-
methyl-J-] 4-(3-methy[.:).oxoA,: -dihj dro-pyrazole-l-carbonyl -phenyl].
3H-quinazolinA-one 5 re pecrively. Al o, hydrazide 3 wa reacted with 3-nillobenzflldehyde to give chiff base 6 and with ammonium thioc anate to give 3-methyl-3-[L1-(5-thioxo-4.- -dihydro-l Hs] 1.2,4[niazol-J -ylj-pheuylj-J Hsquinazolin-so the other hend iutrcducrion 0 is rhioc ’alllate to acid tevabled us to e tablish heterocyclic ystems of remarkable biological activity. The . llcidchloride f acid 1 t a react ’\ ith emmorunm
thiocyanate and gave a i othiocyanate derivative 4-(2-methyl-4-oxo-4Hquinaz line ylj-benz 1 i othiocyenaie 8. which \ a reacted \ ith
nitrogen nucleophile such a ’ phenyl hydraziue, glycine, anthranilic acid
and o-aminophenol to give the corresponding triazolenucleu , ”1,3-
oxazole, quinazoline and benzoxazole, Thus 2-methyl-’” -[4-(2-phenyl-5-thioxo-[ 1,2 4]trillzolidin- -yll-pbenyl]- 3H-quimrmJinA-one to, -(2-)l)e(capto-5-oxo~oxazolidill.2-yl)-4.(2- meth l-4-oxo-4H-quinazolin-3-yl)benzamide 11. 2-methylphenyl]-3Hquinazolin- e-one 13, -benzo-oxazol-_- .•I--4-(2-m thyl-4-oxo-4Hquinazolin-ylj-benzamide 15 re P ctively.