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فاعلية العلاج المتمركزه نحو العميل فى تحسين بعض حالات الاضطراب السيكوماتيه /
محمد محمد الفيومى،
الفيومى، محمد محمد
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد محمد الفيومى
مشرف / ساميه القطان
مناقش / ساميه القطان
مناقش / ساميه القطان
الصحه النفسيه.
تاريخ النشر
1995 .
عدد الصفحات
211ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية عام - صحة نفسية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 220


’1’118 8”,nml1’1 of It’•• aroh
The effectiveness o~ the Client - Centred therapy in the
r2£inn~ o£ some cases of Psychosomatic disorder•
I - The present study aims at attempting to recognize the
effectiveness of Client - Centred therapy in the refining
of some psychosomatic cases of some university youth
the importance of this present stUdy is clear in the following
The first side about the phenomena of psychosomatic
disorders, as it is a Phenomena which became more common
in the modern age eapcially among youth and this makes
us very interested in it as a serisus Phenomena which is
worthy of stUdying.
The second Bide, this study is about an important
slice of the society which is youth, the hope of the
society for the near morrow.
The third side, the Psychological stUdies are not
much especially in the Egyptian environment (in the
:limi.ts of the reseuocher knawledge whien used th clientcentred
therapy in attempting to refine the cases of
some youth, who are suf£ering from Psychos9matic’disor_
- 2 -
Studies in the field of Mental Health assures that the
basic reasons for Psyehosomatic disorders are the emotional
disorders and the emotisnal instability and thatls because
of the interfe?ence of the relationship between the body and
the psyche ”self” as the psychological factors affect the
physiological functions inside man and also the researches
assured that the client-centred therapy procedure, one of
the most suitable one in treating the cases of emotional
disorder which cause the Psyohosomatic symptoms and so the
researcher chose this type of therapy because of its effective
results in the process of psychological growth and self
assertion to the client and also it needs a fewer time rather
than the other therapeutic procedures. And this was called
non-directive therapy, to distinguish it from the attitudes
in which the therapist follows an affirmative, controlling
and directive way. The Psychologist Karl Rogers the
owner of the self theory of Personality who thinks that the
self grows and separate gradually from the perceptual field
and the forming of the self structure begins, as a result
of the interplay with the enviro~nment. The self structure
inclUdes the percept self, the selt resulting from the imagery
of the others and the ideal self. The self may observe the
values of others and seek to achieve the coincidence, balance
and stability. It grows as a result of maturation and
learning. The self’ becomes an owner of an organized cognition
structure which Knows the conscious percepts and imagines
apd values of the aelf.
- 3 -
Karl Rogers put some things which are important to
achieve the success of the thera, .py in his procedure which
(1) To welcome the client who comes by himself for therapy,
to encourage him te speak honestly, to plant
confidenee within hi~Belt and that all his information
will be top secrets and also to create the therapentic
(2) To depend on the mental direction of the client which
is considered a basis in the process of therapy.
() To a chieve a good relation with the client without any
emotional bonds, controlling or even pressure.
(4) It’s a must to create the feeling of respoDceslbility
and enthusiasm within the c~ent •
(5) To allow the client to express his feelings and that
is by accepting all the client’s words, on the side of
the therapist without any considerations of social or
moral principles.
(6) The determination of the problem and to tall the client
that he is not the only person who suf~ers sueh a
problem and that the therapy of it is easy, also he should
assure to the client that the good individual is the
one who could face his troubles in an actual and scientific
(7) To seek for the real causes of the problem as nothing
~, comes from nothing. examining all sides in the client’s
- 4 -
life what is clear and not clear. To begin the search for
hereditary defects organic disorders the painfUl experiences,
ahocks, wounds exhaus~tion and diseases. After that
the therapist begins to define the symptoms of the problem
and its effect in social psYchological and behavioral
sides and in the sides which are concerning with steeping,
food, elimdnation and bad coincidence,sex and behavioral
perversions. The therapist uses psychological tests medical
and Aerve examination as well.
(8) 20 tell the Client about the therapentic scheme which
is put for him and together with the therapist who is
responsible for the correctness and objectivity of
this seheme, and the client should transfer this
scheme to behave. and to know that the aim of therapy
is to achieve Health mental and prevention.
(9) The therapist should be only in the limits of the
therapeutic situation (65 - 217).
Psychosomatic disorders have many definitions but the
most important one came in the British Encyclopedia in
which the psychosomatic disorder conception is defined as
the response of the bGdy to emotional pressures which take
physiogenic disorder. (51-36).
Rageh puts a detintion in (1973) about psyeh~~somatic
disorders saying that, they are disorders coming as results
- 5 -
of a frustrating emotional agitation. In other words, they
are results of suppression and frustration of emotions which
were handicapped from the honest expressions of them selves,
after that the individual forget their causes surroundings,
and circumstances keeping their troubles and disorders.
t” ’.
The individual who suffers from an emotional, unconscious
struggle, that leads him to these badly symptoms which
are distinguished in these diseases. Here it’s said that
the individual is suffering from a psych ological and physical
disease or a psychosomatic disease (2 - 167).
!he emotional situations which cause the beginning of
apsychosomatic disease are agitated by social circum stances,
So they are diseases which are never cured by only
physieal oure -medical as they need and respond to psychological
therapy t. a large extent (1 - 143) •
- 6 -
II - The determination of terms, includea;-
(1) Psych0sematic diseases are the group of symptoms
whioh befallen some systems or functions of the
body are serious and persistance and that make
them resist all ways of the well-known medical
cure which feuls in decreasing their effect.
(2) Client-Centred therapy, which is a procedure for
therapy, that was invented and developed by the
psychologist Karl Rogers 1967. In this Procedure
the psychological ways are used to treat problem
or disorders of an emotional type. The client
suffered from these troubles and they affect his
behavior, In this therapy the therapist helps the
client to know the place of the disorder. Rogers
thinks that the client has a natural tendency
towards self-assertion and this way was called
non-directive as Rogers thinks that the client is
the source of Psychological direction and the
relation between the client and the therapist is
an empathic one.
()) Psychosomatic disorders which are defined as psychesoma
diseases in other words, the marb1d physicel
physical resulting from in creasing psychological
emstional pressures as the situation which causes
such a pressure which agitates the emotion is still
- 7 -
continuing and the individual cannot escape from it so he
is still exha.usted and troubled and he lives in a contin
vant disorder, leads to continuing. Physiological changes.
This internal physiological changes lead up to- when it is
continuing the spoil of the systems of the body.
(4) Psychosomatic client, is the individual who suffers
from a psychological blood Pressure after the doctor’s
diagnosis which obtained a high degree on the criterion
of the psycho somatic disorders ”kronel’s list”
which is invcluded in this spec~en in this study.
III - Hypothesis of the study :
(1) There are significant differences between the
two groups ” Experimental and control groups ”
in favour of Experimental group” clinicaly” a.fter i.e the mean scores of psychosomatic
disorders in favour of control group.
(2) There are significant differences between the
two groups ”Experimental and control groups” in
faTour of Experimental group” Clinicaly” af’ter
the end of the isolated period. i.e. the mean
scores of psychosomatic disorders •
(3) There are no significant differences between the
experimental gxoup scores atter therapy and experimental
group scores after isolated period in
psychosomatic disorders.
~ 8 -
II -The sample of the study :
The sample of the study included ten examined
persons who are suffering ~rom psychosomatic symptoms”
a psychological blood pressure” five as an
experimental group exposed to a therapeutic programme,
another five as a control group which is not
exposed to any kind of therapy.
v - The tools of the study included :
(1) A criterion of psychosomatic disorders scale
” Kronel scale” which known as the criterion of
Mental Health prepared by Mohamed Abu Al Nel ”.
(2) The therapeutic programme (Prepared by the
researcher) •
VI - Statistical treatment:
The following statisfical styles were used:
(1) t - test •
(2) wilcoxon test.
VII - The procedures of the study :
The researcher did a total study as he spplied
the criterion of the study -Krond’s scalen on a big
sample consisted of 200 young women and men who are
students in the university, and his to determinee the
most common psychosometic symptoms.
- 9 -
The study stated that the psychological blood pressure
is the most common-So they chose ten persons blindly, after
the medical examination to determine the kind of the pressure.
They were medically examined three times - the sample
was divided into five persons as an Experimental group exposed
to the therapentic programme and another five as a control
group that received no therapy. The Experimental group
received meetings for psychotherapy aa follows.
Two weekly meetings for every examined person and for
six weeks in the end of the twelfth meeting, the study
criterion was applied agan and a comparison between the
degrees of the after and before tests was set, in addition
to the stating of the differences.
VIII - The therapeutic sessions :
Concerning the therapeutic sessions there were
two sessions ~ the week, for every Client, extended
to twelve sessions. The scheme of the thereupeutic
programme.”,,:wadsepending on Karl Rogers theary in
psychotherapy - As Rogers supposes that if a therapist
possesses certain conditions like Sincerity sympathized
understanding and the affirmative consideration of the
client. If the client realizes these attitudes, affirmative
changes will happen in the personality of the
Client. This hypothesis allows large practices in the
field of human relations, as it depends upon a look in
- 10 -
man’s nature which is a suppose that there is a pushing
forces within man that is the inclination or tendency for
self-realization. These forces work together towards
self-realization against any conditions created by other
important persons in the Client’s life.
The Client-centred therapy trys to concentrate on
releasing forces that are criginally existed within the
individual who have good potentialities or possibilities
that are clear in certain conditions. The individual
alloVlS gradually the’forces of self-realization to overcom
the troubles inside him. These conditions are, the
realization of the individual of the therapautic relation,
and that it is a relation, and that it is a relation which
is distignuished by sincerity. The accurate empathic
understanding and the unconditioned and affirmative consideration.
These conditions and that relation were treated
by the researcher - in its theoretical frame - in details.
The reseroher depended - in buliding the therapeutic
programme - on some examples of the therapeutic sessions
in addition to some studies and previous therapeutic programma.
The programme also included its aims, the performance
shape of the programme and the excutive measures of
the programme.
•• •• • •••
- 11 -
~D Ana OJ’ ffD nOGRAMVI!:
1 - Refinning the way of the psychological growth of the
client, meaning the release of the forces of selfrealization.
2 - The accurate empathic understanding in the therapeutic
3 - The affirmative consideration in the affirmative
4 - Sincerity in the therapevtio relation •
• • • • •• • •
The First Session :
This session aimed at telling the clients about the
nature of therapy after receiving them in a friendly way
and giving them a considerable interest.
The Second Session :
To welcome the client and treat h~ kindly with some
from the third session to the twelfth :
These sessions were like the first and the second with
the observed gradually therapeutic changes. Which happen to
the clients. After that the individual lives satisfied with
his present experience, and also he lives new rich emotions
or feelings and all these are good features of good manner
and therapeutic changes.
- 12 -
IX - Results of the study :
The results of the study stated that the improving
the cases of the experimental group after receiving
therapy as the scores of the psychosematic
disorders reduced rather than before therapy.
X Discussion of Results :
The experimental group observed a clear improving
on the control group. The results were interpreted in
the light of the previous studies and the literature
the enclosed tables tated that there are differences
of statistic references between the scores of the
experimental group and the control group after receiving
therapy and it was in favour of the expermental
group Which assures the effectiveness of this therapeutic