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Psychiatric assessMent of stammering children in primary school in Banha/
Dabour, shaheen Ali Yassen.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Shaheen Ali Yassen Dabour
مشرف / Ahmed Abd El moneem Khashaba
مناقش / Ossama El Sherbini
مناقش / Ahmed Abd El moneem Khashaba
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
119 p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - الاطفال
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The p~.8.nt work d.ale with ”tammer1ng in ellaildren
in Benb~ pTimary sghoola.
’I’.!le fg,1.J..Ori-a t.inding.a n::re ob1a1 •• d:
.~ ..”. .i
1. The total number of .08001 ohi~dr-n who were ~he
aubj_et of tne 8t~dy .a. 5247 cut of then (40)
atama.rers were Db~aiDed .i~h& percentage of 0.70%+
Tbe mal- ~o ~.m~lera~iGwa- ).66 ~ 1.
2”., ’1h’ e higb •• t perc entac_ 0~) of 8taDIer1ng wall present
&1 the as- of 6-7 year. oldt t~en there i9 gradaall
deerea8e of the precQnt&~ of s\aruruering in the
S~CC.BB1? Rge groups .h.~.e reach the lowe.t
pero.ntaae (7.S~)”at the age of 11 - 12 y~ar8 014.
). E1rth order is related to ~lammer~ng and 8t~er1~
ia ~gh.r in tne oh11d (50$ ~r O~ 08888).
~. BoUle f ••dins: wa. higher (5~ of Qu.r (Hill.e. )dIo:a,g
&tamm.rer. and b~aBt fee41D8 was higher in tae cODtrcl
5. stammerers .ere .o~. de]87ad tnan the control Ghildren
in their developm.~tal .11 •• toD.. in general and
8pecial1y in .peach daveloment.6. Stammering ••8•1. 1 1Il0re eo •••.on ill ”tb.e emilll 1l0n-e:~te.n4.d
t8l!1i11es and tl1.’” ”,a8 )ll.ore confliots in their :rlUll1lel
than the control fam1li •••
7. F~ly hiBto~ of stammering .as pOBtive in (2Q%) of
our oa81:1I.
8. The rela1ion between 81~erer8 and ~Asir parent.
•• 1.11 di.turbed in (7($) .ot l;&IiI&1!!I and tb.e1:1’ r.,l.,:tion to
the sibs ~Ire diB~urbed in (70%) of C&8&8. While therelation
bet.e-en t h.. control cMldr.n a.nd their parellte
were diat~b~d ~n (a,S) of OSSB8 and \~e relation to
tne1r ~ib8 were d1st~bed in (J5%) ot CaDell Gnly.
9. stammerara ha.e .are social behay10ar d1$orderB, _Qre
al••p diBorder8, morB d180rderera and =ore
personality diBord~r. than the contrDl ehilaren. While
there waa no difference bet.,en the t.c gro~p! &8
regards feeding and psyonon.urotie di8orders.
10. Thera ~a. no differanc~ b~tween the ~t~eTerl aDd th~
control enildr~~ ~a reg~rds th.i~ 8cnoolastie acnlavement.
11. There was d1ffere#Ce be~woen th’ ata-marera and tae
control Ghildren a. regard8 tne1r re18tion to their
echoolma~.. rnile we found relat~on8 .ere
dhturbed in (62. 5~) of’ stan:merus , i.t .as di. t.rbed
in 25l of control only.12~ D.finite phya1cal and psyahologlcal ,r~eipitating
fa~torR were prlsent in 20 (,O%} of o~r cases e.g.
prolonged feyer. epilepsy., bronchial asthma, lII.ajor
operation, truma. chrqnic 111neg9 or father death
01 fstn,r. mO~Aer an4 emotionally significant
person. sea1ng an aec1dent and prolong~d abs&nc&
or pfr.nts due ~O work1ns abroad.