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Diagnostic aspects of magnetic resonance imaging in the ankle and foot lesions
Minofiya university.Medicine.Radiodiagnosis
El-Fekry,Hisham Mohamad El-Hefny
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Nearly all of us have experienced foot and ankle pain once or more along his life. This common is specifically more common and more serious among sport practicing people, which can interfere with their career. While most of the cases are managed conservatively with symptomatic treatment, some cases will continue to suffer even might and in handicapped condition if proper diagnosis and accurate management were not performed.
There is almost no proper diagnosis for foot pain without imaging. All imaging modalities are applicable to the foot and ankle region. Each of them can offer great help providing that it was property selected and accurately done. Among the different imaging modalities, MRI of the foot and ankle seems to be the absolutely diagnostic modality in some cases like ligament and tendon, muscles and other soft tissue problems as well as in occult bone injuries. While it is important adjuvant in some other cases that are diagnosed by more simple imaging modalities such as arthropathy, gross fractures and diabetic foot.
The main of this study is to emphasize the role MR in the diagnosis of the common different ankle and foot lesions and its upper hand over the other imaging modalities especially in soft tissue lesions was demonstrated.