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Awareness and Perception of Nurses Regarding Telenursing at Primary Health Care Setting /
El-Shapshery, Walaa Gamal El-Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ولاء جمال السيد الشبشيري
مشرف / نهله عاشور سعفان
مشرف / همت مصطفى محمد عامر
مشرف / إلهام صبحي الزيني
Community health nursing. Primary Health Care. Delivery of Health Care.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
85 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة الأسرة والمجتمع
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Tele nursing is a subset of telehealth, which is an information technology-based long- distance health service that provides nursing care remotely to increase patient access and efficiency. Many countries have implemented telenursing as a part of the healthcare services (Yu-Tong et al., 2022).In many countries, telenursing is growing due to a lack of nurses as well as other human resources, a shortage of hospital beds, the need to minimize infection risks as well as an ageing population, increase the number of chronically ill population and the increase in coverage of health care to distant, rural and small populated regions (Firouzkouhi et al., 2021) provide distance nursing care by using information and communication technology to transmit data relevant to any aspect of nursing activity as; monitoring patient condition, providing health education for patient and the families, providing follow up, remote data collection and intervention and providing family support and pain management (Sahoo et al., 2023) Telenursing has a vital role in nursing care as improved the accessibility to health care, faster services development, increase in the respect of the profession, data security, better information flow, facilitated communication between nursing staff and hospitals, improvement of time and resource allocation (Pereira Sousa et al., 2022).Purpose of the study To assess awareness and perception of nurses regarding telenursing at primary health care setting Research questions• What’s the awareness level of nurses regarding telenursing at primary health care setting?• What’s the perception of nurses regarding telenursing at primary health care setting?• Is there a relation between nurses’ awareness and perception regarding telenursing and their sociodemographic characteristics? Study Design A descriptive research design was utilized to achieve the purpose of the study. Study setting The study was carried out in primary health care centers to cover the needed sample size, two districts from ten districts of Menoufia governorate were selected randomly included; Shebin El-Kom and Tala districts, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Study Sample All 300 nurses which included 120 nurses from urban areas and 180 nurses from rural areas, selected from previous mentioned areas. Study sampling Multistage random sampling was used to select randomly two districts out of the 10 districts of Menoufia Gover norates (First stage sample), then out of each district, health centers of its capital town was selected as urban area, and rural health units were selected from numbers of villages as rural area and all were selected by simple random sample (Second stage sample)Then took 300 nurses out of 1500 nurses who working at each selected setting (Third stage sample)Instrument of data collection:In order to collect needed data two main instruments were used which included: -Instrument one: A structured self-administer questionnaire, developed by the researcher after reviewing the related national and international literature, discussion with experts to collect data about the subjects and wrote in simple Arabic language to suit level of understanding of the participants, it included two parts
Part 1: Socio-demographic characteristics: it included age, gender, level of education, place of work, years of experience and accessibility to computers and internet, frequency of internet use per day and obtaining tele nursing courses.
Part 2: - Nurses awareness assessment about tele nursing: it was used to assess the nurses’ awareness about tele nursing which included; meaning of TN, the goal and advantages of TN, requirements for TN practice, nursing services that can provide by TN, types of TN, the guiding rules for providing TN, challenges facing TN and fields of applications of TN.Instrument Two: Nurses perception scale about tele nursing Adapted from Glinkowski et al., (2013). It was used to assess the nurses’ perception regarding telenursing. It was modified by the researcher. The items of scale were consisted of importance of TN as adding telenursing to the nursing curriculum is necessary, there is a need to use telenursing, the facilities for TN service are available and using of TN technology has appositive impact on the patient. Advantages of TN as TN can improve the efficiency of the health staff, TN can facilitate the communication of health staff with patients and the TN can reduce the cost of patient care Results The main finding of the present study revealed that:❖ The study result revealed that about half of studied nurses between 20–30 years of age. Furthermore, the most of studied nurses were females. Total number of studied nurses had mobile and most of them using internet. Furthermore, majority of studied nurses didn’t have training courses on telenursing.❖ The majority of studied nurses (74%) had poor awareness regarding telenursing., 18 % had fair awareness, and (8%) has good awareness❖ Approximately three quarters (74%) of the studied nurses had “very good perception ”response regarding telenursing in addition 15.7% of the studied nurses had good perception response. While 9.3 % of the studied nurses had excellent perception level ❖ There was high statistically significant relation between sociodemographic characters (age, marital status, education, and experience) and awareness levels among studied nurses except gender.❖ There was high statistically significant relation between sociodemographic characters (age groups, marital status, education, and experience) and perception levels among studied nurses except gender.❖ There was high statistically significant relation between total awareness and total perception levels among studied nurses. Conclusion Based on the results of the present study, it was concluded that:The current study revealed that approximately three quarters of the studied nurses had Poor awareness regarding telenursing. Additionally, approximately three quarters of the studied nurses had very good perception regarding telenursing. Furthermore, there was high statistically significant relation between total awareness and total perception levels among studied nurses (p<0.000).Moreover, there was high statistically significant relation between the total awareness and sociodemographic characters (age, marital status, education, and experience) among studied nurses. As well, there was high statistically significant relation between the total perception and sociodemographic characters among studied nurses. Recommendations: Based on the findings of the present study, the following recommendations were suggested:• Develop and implement educational training programs to increase awareness and perception of nurses about telenursing and its possibilities of application in nursing practice • Enhance telenursing use in nursing practice and prepare nurses with the needed skills to enhance their role in telehealth delivery.• Health care setting should be provided with equipment that required for implementing telenursing services as computers, telephones and copy machines (fax).• Further researches are required to study the factors affecting implementation, utilization of tele nursing and its effect on different specialties.