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Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis =
Aziz, Mustafa Salim .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مصطفى سالم عزيز
مشرف / هنيه محمد البنا
مشرف / ياسمين فتحى محمد
مناقش / عزه ابراهيم عبد القادر
مناقش / وفاء نور احمد بصيلى
Medical Surgical Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
73 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Medical Surgical Nursing
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Patients on chronic hemodialysis have severely issues, are usually disabled, and have loss of abilities and dependence on family members or caregivers.
Hemodialysis issues related to hemodialysis, directly lead to increased morbidity and death. In order to prevent and treat issues associated to hemodialysis, nurses have a variety of important tasks to perform. Among these are ongoing evaluation of patients’ conditions, in addition to taking accountability for implementing preventive measures and acting appropriately when called upon. Fortunately, a large percentage of these issues might be avoided with proper nursing and medical interventions.
The present study showed that patients on maintenance hemodialysis have a variety of physical and psychological disorders. To address these issues, more investigation needed.
The aim of the current study was to:
Identify the health-related quality of life of patients on maintenance hemodialysis.
Materials and Method Research Design:
A descriptive research design was utilized to carry out this study.
This study was carried out at Ibn-Sina Dialysis Center, Baquba Teaching Hospital, Diyala Health Department, Republic of Iraq.
A convenience sample of 150 adult patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis, showing up at the previously mentioned setting and who agreed to participate in the study, were included.
Tool of the study:
One tool was used for data collection in the study. It was entitled as the Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis Interview Questionnaire: -
This tool was, adapted from ,Kidney Disease and Quality of Life (KDQOL),(2000) and Schatell & Witten,( 2012). It was used to assess HQOL of patients on maintenance hemodialysis. It consists of the following two main parts.
Part 1: Socio-demographic and clinical data of patients on maintenance hemodialysis:
This part was developed and used to identify patient’s socio demographic and clinical data. It consists of two sub-parts as follows:
A- Socio -demographic data:
This sub-part was used to collect personal data of patients on maintenance HD as: gender, age, educational level, marital status, occupation before disease, occupation after disease and source of family income.