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Potential Effects of Zalloh (Ferula hermonis) Roots in Alloxan–Induced Diabetic Rats /
Younes, Mohamed Younes Atia.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد يونس عطية يونس
مشرف / سهام عزيز خضر
مشرف / هالة عبد الرحمن حسن خطاب
مشرف / ألفت محمود نصار
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
106 p. :
اقتصاد منزلي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الإقتصاد المنزلى - التغذية وعلوم الاطعمة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 132

from 132


This study was conducted to study the effect of Shirlish El Zallouh roots as powder and its extract (2.0 & 4 %), and (250 &500 mg/kg) on biological, biochemical, and histopathological changes of diabetic male albino rats. Thirty- six adult male white albino rats, Sprague Dawley Strain, 10 weeks age, weighing (150 ±10g) were used in this experiment. Biological evaluation such as (BWG, FI and FER and organs weight) and some biochemical analysis such as glucose & insulin levels, kidney & functions, total protein, albumin, lipid profile, and blood parameters in albino rats were also measured. Identification of some active compounds in Shilish El Zallouh roots powder by using HPLC. The rats divided into the following groups:
- Group1: Rats were fed on basal diet as a control negative.
- Group2: Diabetic rats was done by alloxan (150mg/kg) as a positive control group.
- Group3: A group of diabetic rats fed on 2.0 % Shirish Zallouh roots powder of the weight of the diet.
- Group4: A group of diabetic rats fed on 4.0 % Shirish Zallouh roots powder of the weight of the diet.
-Group5: A group diabetic was received 250 mg/kg Shirish Zallouh roots extract of the weight of the diet.
- group 6: A group diabetic was fed received 500 mg/kg Shirish Zallouh roots extract of the weight of the diet.
At the end of the experimental period (28 days), Blood samples were collected for using in determination of the following parameters: Glucose ranges, liver and kidney functions, lipid profile, and hematological parameters. Histopathological examination was done on liver, and kidney.
Results of the present study revealed the following:
Effect of different levels of Shilish El Zallouh roots powder on body weight gain, food intake and food efficiency ratio of diabetic rats:
The group fed on 500mg/kg Shirish El- Zallouh roots extract recorded the highest value of BWG, FI, and FER While the lowest value was recorded for 2.0% Shirish El- Zallouh roots powder with a significant difference as compared to positive group.
Effect of different levels of Shilish El Zallouh roots powder on organs weight of diabetic rats:
The diabetic rats fed on 500 mg/kg Shirish El-Zallouh roots extract recorded the highest liver weight, while the lowest value recorded for 2% Shirish El Zallouh roots powder with significant difference (P≤0.05).
Effect of Shirish El Zallouh and its extract on glucose and insulin level in diabetic rats:
2% Shirish El Zallouh powder showed the highest value of glucose levels, whilst the G6 500mg/kg Shirish El Zallouh extract group showed the least value with significant difference. The corresponding values for powder and extract were 156.00 and 107.10 mg/dl for G3 and G6, respectively.
The diabetic groups that had been fed 2% Shirish El Zallouh powder showed the lowest value of insulin levels, whilst the G6 500mg/kg Shirish El Zallouh extract group showed the highest value with significant difference. The mean values have been 31.15 and 22.19 mIU/L.
Effect of Shirish El Zallouh roots and its extract on liver functions in diabetic rats
The 500 mg/kg Shirish EL Zallouh extract recorded the lowest value of liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALP) ranges for treatment groups, whereas the 2% Shirish EL Zallouh powder group recorded the maximum value.
Effect of Shirish El Zallouh roots powder and its extract on serum total protein and albumin in diabetic rats:
There were no significant differences of serum total protein and albumin levels between all treated groups, 500 mg/kg Shirish El Zallouh roots extract recorded the highest value while 2% Shirish El Zallouh roots powder recorded the lowest value with non-significant differences.
Effect of Shirish El Zallouh roots and its extract on serum lipid profile in diabetic rats:
1. Serum triglycerides and total cholesterol
The groups receiving treatment, 2% Shirish EL Zallouh powder recorded the greatest value of TC and TG levels, whilst 500 mg/kg Shirish EL Zallouh extract group observed the least with significant differences.
2. HDL-c, LDL-c, and VLDL-c:
The 500 mg/kg Shirish EL Zallouh extract group had the maximum ranges of HDL-c amongst the treatment groups, whilst the 2% Shirish EL Zallouh powder group had smallest ranges with significant differences.
For the groups receiving treatment, 2% Shirish EL Zallouh roots powder had the maximum value of serum LDL-c, and VLDL-c levels, whilst 500 mg/kg Shirish EL Zallouh root extract had the least value at significant differences.
Effect of Shirish El Zallouh roots powder and its extract on kidney functions in diabetic rats:
The 2% group of Shirish EL Zallouh roots powder had the most elevated urea, uric acid, and creatinine ranges amongst hyperglycemic groups, whilst the 500mg/kg Shirish EL Zallouh root extract group had the least amount with variations that have significant differences.
Influence of Shirish El Zallouh roots powder and its extract on hematological profile in diabetic rats:
1. Red and white blood cells counts:

While the highest total WBCs levels recorded for group fed on 500 mg/kg Shirish EL Zallouh roots extract but, the lowest value recorded for group fed on 2.0% Shirish EL Zallouh roots powder with a significant difference (P≤0.05) and vice versa with RBCs levels.
2. Hemoglobin and platelet:
While the highest HB levels recorded for group fed on 500 mg/kg Shirish EL Zallouh roots extract but, the lowest value recorded for group fed on 2.0% Shirish EL Zallouh roots powder with a significant difference (P≤0.05) and vice versa with platelets level.
Histopathological examination results:
The liver of group (1) rats showed normal histological structure of the portal areas, central vein and hepatic parenchymal cells. Examination liver of group control (2) rats showing marked dilatation of the hepatic sinusoids and its leukocytosis (arrow), hepatocytes vacuolar degeneration (dashed arrow) and necrosis. The liver of rats from group 3 showed focal cytoplasmic vacuolization of some hepatocytes. The liver of rats from group 4 the examination of which showing slight vacuolization of hepatocytes. The liver of rats from group 5 showed good protection of the hepatic parenchymal cells with mild degree of degenerative and necrotic (arrow) changes as well as mild dilatation. The liver from group 6 rat showing marked protection of the hepatic cells with only scarce degenerated cells and mild dilatation and leukocytosis of the hepatic sinusoids.
The kidney of control untreated rat (group 1) revealed the normal histological structure of renal parenchyma. Kidney control positive rats (group 2) revealed hypertrophy of glomerular tuft, thickening in parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule as well as presence of protein cast in the human of renal tubules. Kidney rats of group 3 showed congestion of glomerular tufts and inter tubular blood vessels. Kidney rats of group 4 showed congestion of renal blood vessels. Examined kidney rats of group 5 revealed hypertrophy and vacuolations of glomerular tufts. Kidney rats of group 6 showed slight congestion of renal blood vessels.