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Green Jobs as a Tool to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Egypt :
Saad, Nadine Ali Hassan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نادين علي حسن سعد
مشرف / تامر عبد المنعم راضي
مشرف / مروة إبراهيم نصار
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
238 p. :
الاقتصاد والاقتصاد القياسي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية التربية - الاقتصاد
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Currently, there is an international trend to develop the sustainable development strategy in terms of accomplishing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This strategy will solve vital problems mainly poverty, water and climate change by 2030. This is mainly achieved when the country shifts to clean or green economy. Correspondingly, it will facilitate the coming generations to enjoy the economic resources, and, it will eliminate the burden to repair the present environment. It has been suggested as a solution to the climate change and the intention to decrease the carbon emissions. The shift to the green economy will lead to a better use of economic resources and the environment as a whole. As a result, the green economy will add the environmental aspect to the normal economic terms turning them to green ones such as: green jobs, green growth, green investment, and on the long term, the maintaining the green economy will lead to sustainable development.
Egypt as a developing country devotes great efforts to build a long-term development strategy to be able to have standard economic growth rates, in addition, the climate change problem became a major challenge, with the high pollution rates, and recently Egypt initiated green investments and applied some solar energy projects. Egypt is taking serious actions to build 2030 strategy that will be stated as a “road map” to be able to achieve its potential.
Research Problem:
Egypt as a developing country and is struggling for sustainable development, there are some drivers that motivate Egypt to shift to green economy. There are in terms of: need to rebuild the energy sector to decrease harmful carbon emissions, the increase in desertification due to agricultural biodiversity loss, and land degradation.
Egypt suffers from major problems such as deterioration in the economic growth rates, high pollution rates, poverty and unemployment, which reflects negatively on the other indicators such as the health and sanitation, education, upon having a broader look on the indicators, these problems create obstacles to achieve the sustainable development adding to the Climate change and global warming. To overcome all these problems with almost zero negative impact, “Green jobs” concept will be suggested as a tool to overcome these problems leading to sustainable development.
Research Hypothesis:
The basic assumption in this research is that using green jobs as economic instrument has a positive impact on the sustainable development through improving the economic, social and environmental aspects.
The following assumptions are related to the main assumption above:
- There is relationship between green jobs and Sustainable Development Goals
- There is a relationship between green jobs and unemployment
Research Methodology:
In order to achieve the research goals and addressing the term green jobs with its relation to the sustainable development, the research will go through two main approaches;
• First: The descriptive-analytical approach will be applied in the study by collecting data and information which are related to the research
• Second: it used Econometric model to estimate the impact of green jobs on sustainable development, during the period (2010-2022). The study used two models: the 1st model estimates the impact in developed countries, while the 2nd model estimates the impact in the developing countries. The study relies on Basic panel Data model pooled OLS, where the employment in renewable energy as a proxy for green jobs is one of the independent variables, and sustainable development index is the dependent variable.
Research Plan :
The First chapter (First Section) illustrated distinctive economic, social and environmental challenges that triggered for sustainable solution to decrease the negative impacts as soon as possible in terms of pollution prevention and shifting to green economy. This results the derivation of the term Green Jobs. The second section illustrated the theoretical framework of green jobs and its relationship to sustainable development process and SDGs. The second chapter illustrated the theoretical framework of sustainable development and sustainable development Goals, adding to the impact of GJs in the sustainable development process. The third chapter illustrated the successful international experiences of GJs in Germany and China highlighting the positive impact of GJs in achieving the SDGs and eliminating the negative impacts such as GHGs. Finally, the fourth chapter (First Section) illustrated Egypt’s green policies and investments related to green jobs in terms of sovereign Green bonds and greening industrial sector. Also, it stated overall SDGs performance. Then in the second section illustrates estimated green jobs in Egypt. This is because the concept of green jobs is not well-perceived yet and finally the third section is estimating the impact of Green Jobs on Sustainable Development a form of econometric model)Panel data(. that and the tests showed that green jobs has a positive impact on sustainable development.
The research results are divided into general results and econometric model results. They are as follows:
General Results:
 Corona had a negative impact of SD in terms of hindering the SDGs. The World’s unemployment rates and GDP reached their peak in 2020, when the unemployment rate of 6.9% and the GDP was -3.11%.
 Failure of mitigation policies lead to increase in the global temperature and costs are increasing annually
 Transiting to green economy is game changer and will lead to positive impacts in terms of jobs creation as well as protecting the environment
 Egypt is taking active steps in Green transition such as investing in renewable Energy such as: wind farm project in Gabal El Zeit, photovoltaic project in Kom-Embo and wind projects In Gulf of Suez.
 Implementing Gabal EL Zeit project led to generating electricity from renewable energy thus less reliance in fossil fuels. It lead to decrease Egypt’s Carbon emission by 1.5 million tons/ year. It led to more than 1000 jobs creation.
Econometric Model Results:
 The green jobs has a positive impact on sustainable development in both developing and developed countries, which is matching with the study assumption.
 As for the developed countries, the economic growth and foreign direct investments have positive impact on sustainable development in developed countries.
 For the developing countries, trade openness and savings are more important for sustainable development, as the two variables have positive impact on sustainable development in the developing countries.
Based on the research and the previous results, the main recommendations are as follows:
 Egypt should keep on investing in Renewable Energy such as Solar, Wind and Hydropower in order to reduce Carbon emissions and align with 1.5℃ goal to limit the Climate change problem.
 Egypt should promote Energy Efficiency in buildings. This will lead to decrease in energy consumption and Cost.
 Egypt should embrace more green projects to ensure food and drinking water availability. Also, Egypt should work on the Real GDP problem.
 Egypt should work on reducing air pollution by relying on Electricity and clean Energy instead of fuels. This will lead to enhancing social health and decrease illness.
 Accelerate the green transition in Egypt in order to create green jobs and thus to have a suitable data to rely on.