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Abuse Of Women During Childbirth And Its Associated Factors At Health Care Facilities In Portsaid City /
Elgendy, Rabab Selim Hamouda.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Rabab Selim Hamouda Elgendy
مشرف / Nagat Salah Salama
مشرف / Gehan Ahmed Mohammed
مناقش / NourElhoda Mohammed ElShaboury
مناقش / Reda Mohammed Aboshady
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
131 p. ;
Multidisciplinary تعددية التخصصات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بورسعيد - كلية التمريض ببورسعيد - Maternity, Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing department.
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Background: During childbirth, women faced abusive behavior, which is obvious. Some of its subtler manifestations may not always be concerning to women. Aim: Explore the magnitude of abuse and associated factors among women during childbirth at health care facilities in Port Said city. Design: was correlation descriptive. Setting: It was conducted at pediatric vaccination clinics at six primary health care centers in PortSaid City. Sample: A conveniant sample of 247 postpartum women at a healthcare Facility. Tools:Two tools were used.Tool I: A structured interview. On women’s characteristics and abuse experienced; Tool II; scale about women’s perception of disrespect and abuse experienced. Results: 85.4% of women experienced disrespect and abusive treatment during labor. The common type experienced was non-consented care (72.9%, n=180); with a significant relationship between women’s perception of abuse and demographic characteristics, Regression analysis showed that payment ability for delivery has a positive link with abuse experienced. conclusion: Majority of women reported at least one kind of abuse during labor. Factors of experiencing abuse were antenatal care visits, Education, Monthly income, and ability to pay. In addition, the Study revealed a good perception of women regarding respectful care. Recommendations: Advocacy, education and empowerment are required to push obstetric abuse and women’srights in the childbirth agenda forward and to eliminate abuse. Improving care provider–client discussion, monitoring and reinforcing accountability mechanisms for health care workers to improve respectful maternity care during labor and childbirth were recommended.