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Production of hydrogen from sodium borohydride using bimetal catalyst /
Ali, Haitham Ihmoud Attia.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هيثم احمود عطيه محمد علي
مشرف / محمد محمد الحلواني
مشرف / هاني مهنى شحاته
مشرف / محمود حنفي محمود
مناقش / أشرف عبدالعزيز البندارى
مناقش / طه إبراهيم فراج
Hydrogen - Production. Sodium.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (68 pages) :
الهندسة المدنية والإنشائية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الهندسة - هندسة وتكنولوجيا وإدارة البيئة
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Title: Production of hydrogen from sodium borohydride using bimetal catalystThe release of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide when fossil fuels are used is another significant worry (CO2). The main cause of increasing greenhouse effect is attributed to CO2, which is thought to be the primary cause of global warming. An ideal substitute fuel should be less cost, easier to use, clean, and contain less carbon. Out of all the options, hydrogen fuel has the greatest potential benefits and meets the majority of the essential requirements for the perfect fuel. Hydrogen is a high-efficiency energy carrier that can result in zero or almost zero carbon emissions . Metal hydrides with the highest weight-based hydrogen storage capabilities are one of the technologies used to produce H2. we try to focus on the bi-metal nonsemiconductor photo catalyst for the Production of hydrogen from sodium borohydride instead of semi conductor photo catalyst which have an excellent performance in photo catalysis. we studied the combination of CuNi bi-metal (developed and reinforced on multi wall carbon nano tubes )MWCNTs)( as a non semiconductor photo-catalyst that generates electrons for the Production of hydrogen from sodium borohydride with led light as source of light, We also added CuNi on multi wall carbon nano tubes (MWCNTs) for increasing the surface area of the reaction. We studied the effect of different quantity of CuNi@MWCNTs (5,10, 15, 20,mg) with keeping the other parameters constant, also we studied the effect of changing the led light intensity 81, 70, 64,54,45 W/m2 keeping the other parameters constant towards the hydrolytic photolysis of sodium borohydrides over a temperature of 298-328 K. It was illustrated that the optimal conditions for synthesis 118 ml of hydrogen in 18 s was by adding 50 mg of NaBH4 to 50 mL of distilled water with 20 mg of bi-metal catalysts at led light intensity of 80 W/m2 at temperature of 328 K.
The hydrogen released rate in the presence of the CuNi bi-metal added to MWCNTs in presence of led light as photo catalyst was greatly improved than when the experiment had been processed in dark.we hope that Our results may take a great role in the development of a non-semiconductor-based photo-catalytic system for applications in the photo catalysis field.