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Value of Forkhead Box A1 (FOX A1) Immunohistochemical Expression in Epithelial
Ovarian Carcinoma
Mustafa, Naeimah Abdullah Mohammed .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نعيمة عبدالله محمد مصطفى
مشرف / عنــان فتحـي محمـد
مشرف / علا عبد الرؤوف حرب
مشرف / أسمـاء حسيـن محمـد
Pathology. diseaes
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
132.p :
علم الأوبئة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الزقازيق - كلية الطب البشرى - Pathology
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Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the third-highest incidence and mortality rate among gynecological malignancies worldwide comprising: 1,2% of all cancers worldwide .
In Egypt; ovarian cancer represents 2.7% of the total malignancies in females and 21% of the malignant genital system tumors.
Epithelial ovarian cancers (EOCs) form about 90% of all ovarian cancers.
The creation of potential biomarkers for cancer prognosis and therapy has become essential for effective cancer treatment in the era of personalized cancer medicine. The association between FOXA1 expression and a number of prognostic factors has recently been studied in a number of cancers as an illustration of this. It may serve as a diagnostic and therapeutic biomarker.
Aim of this study was to assess the value of FOX A1 immunohistochemical expression in epithelial ovarian cancer and its relation with clinicopathologic features.
The present study was a retrospective study including 46 cases (32 serous adenocarcinoma, 12 mucinous adenocarcinoma, 2 endometroid adenocarcinoma).
Findings of the study revealed that, the mean age of the studied group was (48.6± 15.5) ranging from 28 to 75 years, (45.7%) were menopause and (60.9%) were parous.

Regarding tumor characteristics, half of the studied group (50.0%) had a unilateral lesion and (50.0%) had bilateral lesions, less than half of the studied group (41.3%) had a ruptured capsule, (45.7%) had positive peritoneal cytology , Concerning metastasis, (32.6%) had lymph node metastasis, (32.6%) had omental deposits, Serous tumors were the commonest histological type followed by mucinous then endometroid (69.6%> 26.1%> 4.35%). half of the studied group (50.0%) had a low-grade tumor and half of them (50.0%) had high-grade tumors.Regarding FIGO staging, stage I was the commonest followed by stage III then Stage II and lastly stage IV (41.3% > 30.4%>23.9% >4.3%).
• There was a statistically significant association between FOX A1 expression and patients’ age and menopause and bilaterality (p=0.01).
• EOC with ruptured capsule showed high FOXA1 tissue expression with high statistical significance(p<0.001).
• There was a statistically significant high FOX A1 expression with peritoneal cytology (p<0.001).
• There was a statistically significant association between FOX A1 expression and lymph node metastasis, omental deposites (p<0.001).
• There was no statistically significant association with FOX A1 expression and histological types.
• There was highly significante correlation between FOX A1 expression and pathological grade (P > 0.001).
• There was a statistically significant association between FOX A1 expression and FIGO stage III and IV (P > 0.001).
FOX A1 expression was related to poor prognostic predictors in EOC, so It can act as poor prognostic marker.