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Objective Measures in Cochlear Implant in Children and its Correlation to Outcome/
Abdel Salam, Dina Mohamed,
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Dina Mohamed Abdel Salam
مشرف / Mohamed Salama Bakr
مشرف / Adel Ebrahem Abdel Maksoud
مشرف / Emad Kamel Abdel Haleem
مناقش / Amal Muhammad Al-Attar
مناقش / Muhammad Abdel Ghaffar Abdel Rahman
Audiovestibular Medicin Otorhinolaryngology
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
122 P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الطب - انف واذن وحنجرة
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Cochlear implantation (CI) has been established as a successful time-tested technology for restoration of hearing in individuals with bilateral severe to profound hearing loss. The inclusion criteria for CI, has expanded today in various aspects, to include children with congenital profound hearing loss, as young as one year of age.
In such scenarios objective electrophysiological tests pave the way forward to program an initial MAP for them. Studies have shown that post-operative objective electrophysiological tests like ECAP, ESRT and EABR thresholds correlate well with behavioral levels and these measurements may be used to ascertain an optimal behavioral Map for the implant.
In clinical practice, when a ‘Difficult to MAP’ scenario is anticipated or encountered, audiologists may perform an intra-operative or post-operative electrophysiological test like ECAP measurement (NRI/NRT/ART) or ESRT, in order to get an idea of the optimal current level required for stimulation via the implant.
In the current study, a total of 30 children underwent cochlear implant. The study aimed to use of objective measures including ECAP, ESRT and EABR in children with cochlear implant and its correlation to outcome in the form of speech and language development. Mean age of those children was 4.79 years with range between 2.50 and 6 years. Mean age of implantation was 3.03 years with range between 2 and 4.50 years. Irregular use of CI was reported in only five patients