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تقويم منهج التربية الإسلامية في ضوء فقه الواقع لدى طالبات المرحلة الثانوية/.
السهلي، شهد خالد عبد الله
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شهد خالد عبد الله السهلي
مشرف / حسن سيد شحاته
مشرف / أحمد كمال قرني
مناقش / ريم أحمد عبد العظيم
مناقش / أسماء إبراهيم شريف
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
د-ل، 164ص:
المناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة العربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية - المناهج و طرق التدريس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 185

from 185


This study handles the evaluation of Islamic education syllabus in the light of the Jurisprudence of Reality in the female students of secondary stage in Kuwait, the study discussed the issues of the Islamic education; the methodology and the contemporary issues from an Islamic perspective; they were categorized into four kinds namely; the environmental issues; the scientific; social and economic issues
Also, the Jurisprudence of Reality was discussed and differentiated from the Jurisprudence Of calamities, the importance of discussing the Jurisprudence of Reality; its effect in real life; the limits of following it; the religious text supporting it in daily life.
The research used the descriptive methodology; the sample of the study included the human sample (20) teacher; (174) student in the secondary stage and the Kuwaiti newspapers samples of five newspaper; the newspapers analyzed reached (120) newspaper, (6) Islamic books in the stages from tenth stage to twelfth stage ; the tools of the study included analysis questionnaire of the content of daily newspaper; the questionnaire of contemporary issues; and an analysis questionnaire of the content of Islamic education textbooks.
The study reached the following results:
1. There are (30) contemporary and common issue in the Kuwaiti newspapers that were categorized into the environmental, the scientific; social and economic issues
2. The distribution of the contemporary issues on the three classes in the secondary stage points out to the fact that in the light of the opinions of the teachers and students, there are eight issues or each class reaching the number of two issues for the environmental, issues then the scientific; social and economic issues
3. The analysis of the Islamic education books in the secondary stage points out to the fact that such books have no contemporary issues
4. A suggestion was offered to the developed Islamic books in the light of the issues of the modern times and the fatwas of Jurisprudence of Reality.
The research ended by a group of recommendations and suggestions