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Rule veri{uFB01}cation frame work for internet of things services /
Hamada Ibrhim Abdulwakel Mabrouk ,
Hamada Ibrhim Abdulwakel Mabrouk
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Hamada Ibrhim Abdulwakel Mabrouk
مشرف / Amr Ahmed Badr
مشرف / Hesham Ahmed Hassan
مشرف / Sherif Khattab
مشرف / Emad Nabil
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
172 P. :
Computer Science Applications
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية الحاسبات و المعلومات - Computer Science
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One of the modern profound changes in the Information Technology (IT) era is The Inter- net of Things (IoT), which adds the possibility to connect live-day objects to the network for collecting, manipulating, and sharing massive amounts of data and services among dif- ferent users and third-party service providers. The world around us becomes more smarter and responsive to this merging between the digital and physical universes. One of the most noteworthy IoT application {uFB01}elds that had the greatest researchers focuses and growth in the last decade is the Smart Building (SB) and its related systems as Building Automation System (BAS), which provides the management and coordination of these intelligent device-enabled buildings. BAS provides a single platform to gather data from sensor devices (e.g., light, motion, and temperature sensors) and integrates these real-time data into an information system that provides intelligent automation logic of actuator devices (e.g., lighting {uFB01}xtures, HVAC, and fans). BAS enables end-users without technical knowledge about devices{u2019} nature or devices{u2019} relationships to be more productive. End-users can personalize their environment and guarantee comfort-control using Rules written by an End-user Programming (EUP) tool. However, in practice, this capability of end-users customization and controlling devices could be lead to incorrect situations and safety and security violations. Among the capabilities that should be available in the BAS framework within buildings or even smart cities is the capability to guarantee the overall System Correctness and Safety. Correctness and safety problems emerge, {uFB01}rst, because of the possible con{uFB02}icts that might occur in different levels of automation preferences interactions and, second, because end-users have not the capability to understand or expect how the building will behave. So, ensuring the correctness and safety of human-device and human-environment automation interactions in buildings means free-of con{uFB02}icts between these interactions