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Role Conflict and Its Effect on
Burnout among Staff Nurses /
Abd El-Hay, Raghda Gamal.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رغــده جمـــال عبـــدالحى
مشرف / ربــــاب محمــود حســن
مناقش / هناء محمد عبدربه
مناقش / نادية محمد السيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
176 P. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم ادارة التمريض
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Nurses’ role is vital to quality patient care outcomes. Role conflict has stressful characteristics of the working role, it has joint effect on job performance ratings. Unclear roles and incompatibility of the responsibilities affect employee performance(Judge et al., 2017).Role conflict occurs when there are incompatible demands placed upon employees relating to their job or position. Employees experience role conflict when they find themselves pulled in various directions as they try to respond to the many statuses they hold. Also role conflict is recognized as the main causal factor of employees burnout and stress behavior in the organization (Terry,2018).
This study aimed to measure the effect of role conflict on burnout among staff nurses through assessing role conflict among staff nurses, measuring burnout among staff nurses, finding out the effect of role conflict on burnout among staff nurses. Descriptive co rrelational design was used in carrying out this study. The study was conducted at Urology and Nephrology Center affiliated to Mansoura University Hospitals. Study subjects were 130 staff nurses.
Data was collected by two tools namely: Role conflict scale and MaslachB urnout Inventory (MBI). Tool (1) : Role conflict scale consists of two parts, first part concerned with personal characteristics of study subjects as age, gender, years of experience, work unit and qualifications and the second part was aimed to assess role conflict among nurses. It consisted of (31) questions categorized into two domains: Role conflict perception include (9) items, and Role conflict causes include (22) items. Tool (2): Maslach Burnout Inventory : It was aimed to assess burnout among nurses. It consisted of (22) items divided into three dimensions include Emotional exhaustion included (9) items, depersonalization included (5) items, Personal accomplishment included (8) items.
The study findings concluded more than half of the studied nurses had low level of role conflict. And only 16.2% of them had high level of role conflict. Role conflict perception had the highest mean followed by causes of role conflict related to work environment and causes of role conflict related to the nurse had the lowest mean .Moreover, more than three quarters (77.7%) of the studied nurses had low level of burnout, only 3.1% of them had high level of burnout.
The study results revealed the following : There were highly statistically significant positive correlation between role conflict perception and burnout among staff nurses.
The present study recommended that:
 A comprehensive approach directed toward managing role conflict among nurses is required including the review of the working conditions, working environment, number of working hours, and Job satisfaction of nurses.
 Develop effective strategies to decrease role conflict among staff nurses .
 Good relationships within a therapeutic team, cooperation with colleagues and doctors, and support from the head nurse are techniques to eliminate burnout.