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الأبعاد الاجتماعية الثقافية لمشكلات التخطيط العمرانى فى مصر
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مشرف / فيروز محمود حسن
مشرف / عالية حلمى حبيب
مناقش / فتحى محمد مصليحى
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عدد الصفحات
علم الاجتماع والعلوم السياسية
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مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - قسم الاجتماع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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استهدفت هذه الدراسة رصد وتقييم الأبعاد الاجتماعية الثقافية لمشكلات التخطيط العمرانى بمدينة بنى سويف الجديدة، أولى المدن الجديدة التى أقيمت بالصعيد، واعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفى للكشف عن خصائص مجتمع البحث من النواحى والاجتماعية والاقتصادية، ومنهج التحليل المكانى (الإيكولوجى) لتحليل الموقع الجغرافى للمدينة وأثره فى جذب أو طرد السكان، ومنهج دراسة المجتمع المحلى لدراسة أشكال ومستويات المشاركة الاجتماعية والتفاعل بين أفراد مجتمع المدينة ومكونات شبكة الروابط الاجتماعية به.
واستخدم الباحث أدوات: الاستبيان للتعرف على الخصائص الاجتماعية والثقافية لعينة الدراسة الميدانية وتقييم أفرادها لأوضاع السكن والعمل بالمدينة، والمسح الجغرافى للتعرف على الأوضاع العمرانية والبيئية بمنطقة الدراسة، والملاحظة للتعرف على العناصر المؤثرة على الحياة الاجتماعية لسكان المدينة والوافدين إليها، فضلاً عن الوثائق والإحصاءات الخاصة بالمدينة.
وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة تميز المدينة الجديدة، التى تمثل بداية للاستيطان بالصحراء المهجورة الغنية بالثروات الطبيعية شرق النيل بتوافر عناصر تحقيق الاستقرار البشرى من موقع ومناخ مناسب، وقاعدة اقتصادية صناعية، وسهولة الوصول، والمرافق والخدمات الرئيسية، وتلعب دوراً إقليمياً بارزاً فى مجال الخدمات التعليمية، وبها هيكل عمرانى متنوع يدعم قيام واستدامة مجتمع يضم كافة الفئات، ويتميز مجتمع المدينة الجديدة بارتفاع نسبة الحاصلين على المؤهلات العليا وفوق المتوسطة، وارتفاع نسبة العاملين بالوظائف الحكومية، وذوى الدخل المتوسط وفوق المتوسط.
إلا أنه تبين غياب عدالة توزيع مكونات الهيكل العمرانى للمدينة على الشرائح المختلفة، ونقص بعض الخدمات الحيوية التى تساعد على تحقيق الانتماء وتقوية الروابط الاجتماعية مثل الخدمات الصحية والأمنية والترفيهية، كما يعانى مجتمع المدينة من ضعف علاقات الجيرة، وغياب المرأة من الشارع، ومحدودية فرص وأماكن تكوين الشبكات الاجتماعية بين السكان، ويعانى قطاع كبير من سكان المدينة والوافدين إليها من صعوبة رحلة العمل اليومية وتأثيراتها الجسمانية والنفسية والأسرية.
وتمثلت أهم توصيات الدراسة فى: تحديث المخطط الاستراتيجى للمدينة لاستيعاب الأوضاع المتدهورة بمدينة بنى سويف العاصمة التى أنشئت المدينة الجديدة لحل مشكلاتها، وإعادة النظر فى حجم السكان المستهدف، وتلبية رغبة السكان فى تكوين الأسر الممتدة بإتاحة أراضى البناء بأسعار مخفضة، وإعطاء أولوية الحصول على الوحدات السكنية للعاملين بالمدينة لتحقيق الاستقرار الاجتماعى والقضاء على معاناة رحلة العمل اليومية، وإنشاء مرفق للنقل الداخلى للربط بين أحياء المدينة، واستكمال منظومة الخدمات، وخاصة الخدمات الحيوية التى لا يستغنى عنها كالمراكز الصحية وعربات الإسعاف ونقاط الشرطة والمخابز، والخدمات التى تسهم فى تحقيق الجذب العمرانى للمدينة كالحدائق والمكتبات العامة ودور الحضانة والأسواق التجاريةودور السينما، بالإضافة إلى التوقف الفورى عن إنشاء الإسكان الفاخر والتوسع فى إنشاء الإسكان منخفض التكاليف لاستيعاب محدودى الدخل.
الكلمات الدالة: مشكلات التخطيط العمرانى - المدن الجديدة - الأبعاد الاجتماعية الثقافية - بنى سويف الجديدة.
This study is one of the interdisciplinary studies linking the sociocultural aspects and the geospatial aspects, with the aim of assessing the socio-cultural dimensions of urban planning problems in Egypt, by applying to the new city of Beni Suef, the first new city to be established in Upper Egypt in the modern era, and to present a future vision to face planning problems Urban city and Egypt in general.
The study relied on the descriptive approach to reveal the social and economic characteristics of the research community, and the (ecological) analysis of the city’s location and its land uses and their impact on attracting residents, studying the local community of the city and the forms of interaction between its members and forming social ties with it. The researcher used tools: Geographical Survey to identify the conditions The urban and environmental aspects of the city, and the observation to identify the elements that affect the social life of the population, and the questionnaire to identify the characteristics of the study sample and assess the conditions of housing and work in the city. The end of September 2019, and its most important results were as follows:
1. Characteristics of the study sample:
The percentage of males in the study sample increased compared to the percentage of females, as the males category won 62.4% of the total sample members and the females group won 37.6%, and the youth group acquired the majority of work and residency opportunities in the new city, and the percentage of university holders increased And the percentage of workers in government agencies increased compared to those working in the rest of the sectors, and the percentage of married people increased compared to unmarried people, as married people represented 61.5% of the total sample, and the unmarried category accounted for 38.5% of the sample.
2. Work environment in the new city:
The city contributed to facing the unemployment problem in Beni Suef governorate with a modest rate, as the results showed that 37.9% of the sample members working in the city were not unemployed before joining the city, but they moved from their jobs in other areas to corresponding jobs in the new city.
• According to the average monthly income of the sample members, the new city of Beni Suef is considered one of the best regions in the governorate in terms of income levels. Nevertheless, 69.2% of the respondents considered that there are no advantages to working in the city, so workers in government jobs moved to their jobs in the city without any change. Regarding income or working conditions, workers in the self-employed sector complain of low population density, which reduces sales.
• The material elements came at the forefront of work difficulties in the new city of Beni Suef, as 70.3% of the total sample considered that the most important work difficulties are insufficient wages to cover living expenses. The daily cost of transportation is one of the main difficulties in the business.
3. The conditions of the non-resident sample members in the city
The distance of the business trip is the most influential in the conditions of non-resident sample members in the city, as 59.9% of them travel a daily work trip of 10 km or more, and nearly half of them travel a daily distance of 20 km or more, and 8.5% of them They come from outside Beni Suef governorate, and this causes them to be physically and psychologically exhausted, especially females.
• Neglecting social dimensions is the main factor behind not residing in the new city of Beni Suef for those who dream of that from the Beni Suef governorate, as 53.1% of the reasons for non-residence in the city mentioned by the non-resident study sample centered around: The high prices of building land And residential units, then the difficulty of obtaining housing units and land procedures, and then the unavailability of vacant housing units in the city.
4. The living conditions of the residents of the new city:
• The routine procedures are the most difficult difficulties faced by the city’s residents in obtaining housing units, as it became clear that 47.3% of the choices of the sample members residing in the city in this regard centered on the length of time between submitting the application and obtaining the housing unit, and that the problems related to the social dimension It is the most common problem that the city’s residents faced as a result of their move to it, as the choices of 57.2% of the study sample residing in the city focused on the lack of adaptation to the neighbors in the new area and the high cost of living there.
• The city provides most of the daily needs of its residents, as 75% of the respondents residing in it said that they buy their needs from its stores, but nevertheless, the lack of a loaf of bread represents an urgent problem for the residents of the city, as 51.4% of the respondents residing in the city stated that they did not They can get a loaf of bread (especially fortified) from the city bakeries.
• The new city of Beni Suef does not provide suitable means for spending leisure time, and the family and family dimension is considered more dominant in spending free time for the sample members residing in the city, as 46.1% of them stated that they spend their free time visiting the family or at home, and places to spend time were limited. The void in the city is on the street and the café, which are suitable places for males only, which means that women in the new city of Beni Suef do not know anything about how to spend their rare spare time.
• Neighborhood relations are the weakest type of social relations in the new city of Beni Suef, as the results showed that 73% of the sample members residing in the city have limited or no relationships with neighbors, and 78.8% of the city’s residents represented in the sample do not exchange visits with Their neighbors and do not establish social relations with them except out of necessity.
• The new city of Beni Suef is a safe city for work and residence. With regard to the availability of security services, 63% of the residents of the city within the sample answered that various security services are available in the area in which they live, and 86.5% of them answered that they feel safe in the new city, and 93.3% answered That they have not been exposed to any accidents since the beginning of their stay in the city.
• The new city of Beni Suef includes the various educational services needed by the population, and no problems appeared in the field of these services except for the suffering of some residents of the city in the study sample (representing 32.7% of those who have students in schools) from the lack of places for their children in basic education schools in the region, They are forced to enroll children in schools that are relatively far from the home, whether in another neighborhood within the city or in the capital, Beni Suef.
• The city suffers from a severe shortage of health services, with the exception of pharmacies that the city’s residents depend on as an alternative to doctors, as the results showed that 39% of the study sample residing in the city do not find any health services in the area in which they reside, and that the health units of the city’s neighborhoods do not It is still in the construction phase, and that those who reside next to the only health center in the city (which suffers from a shortage of doctors of various specialties) represent only 25.5% of the sample members residing in the city, and that the areas on the outskirts of the city and the industrial zone in which there is a large number of workers It does not have any health services.
• The new city of Beni Suef is almost devoid of cultural and entertainment services with the exception of some small football stadiums that benefit university and high school students, as the results showed that 39% of the study sample residing in the city do not find any cultural or entertainment services in the areas in which they reside, and that the city There are no public libraries, cinemas, or public parks with the exception of one park in the second district, and the only Palace of Culture in the city has not completed its facilities and has not allocated a budget from the Ministry of Culture to start its activities.
• There are some religious services in the city, and you need some of them, as 82.2% of the respondents residing in the city stated that mosques exist in the area in which they reside and that it is sufficient, and 48.5% of those mentioned that the city has a large church located in the first district, and he mentioned 46.1% of them said that the area in which they reside includes a role for memorizing the Qur’an and it is sufficient, but some respondents who live in the city stated that the logic in which they reside needs some religious services such as a Quran memorization house, a second church or monastery, and cars to bury the dead.
• The city significantly lacks social services, as 54% of the study sample residing in the city stated that there are no social services in the area in which they reside, and it became clear from the answers of the sample members and official data that these services until the time of the field study ended were limited to a social unit in the second district. Only 14.9% of the sample individuals residing in the city are aware of their existence, and none of them knows anything about the services they provide, and some nurseries are mostly concentrated in the city center and the second district, and therefore the social services needed by the residents of the city have the largest number of iterations after the services Health facilities, especially the banquet halls, funeral homes and nurseries.
• The proposals of the members of the sample residing in the city varied to improve working conditions and residency in it, foremost of which were: providing housing units and building lands at low prices, expanding service and craft projects to provide job opportunities, solving industrial area problems, completing health, entertainment and social services, providing internal transportation Among the city’s neighborhoods, increasing green areas and parks, operating the Palace of Culture and the Public Library.
5. Planning and urban problems in the city:
- Exaggeration in the situation of the target population of the city (120 thousand people for the year 2000), of which only a few thousand were achieved in the aforementioned target year, not exceeding 10% of the target, and this exaggeration was not corrected when the competent authorities update the target population for the city to (245) One thousand people for the year 2017, then to (558 thousand people) for the year 2032.
- Planning a new city with an economic base based on modern industries within a rural governorate, three-quarters of its population works in agriculture without taking into account the planning of an agricultural backyard that accommodates the agricultural labor of families who have moved to the new city.
- Failure to activate an evaluation and follow-up system and clear criteria to measure the success or failure of the new city, and then most of the stages of the city’s establishment have ended without attempting to assess what has been done and identify the causes of success and failure and thus correct the course of the policies and programs followed in it.
The absence of the authority of the city’s authority to direct its development processes, as it is affiliated with the central body represented by the Urban Communities Authority and refers to it in all city development affairs, and thus the city development decisions come from outside the framework of its local authority.
- Failure to plan roads for the movement of transport vehicles carrying cement and building materials from factories east of the city to the west of the Nile, and cause an overload on roads that may not be designated for this use, as well as causing air and noise pollution among residential blocks.
- The city does not follow a modern system of waste management, but follows a stereotypical system, such as that used in old urban and rural areas, which causes distortion of the city’s visual image by placing garbage bins in main streets and public roads and next to vital facilities such as schools and government departments, and portends in the future the accumulation of waste in the streets. In the vicinity of vital installations and damage to the general health of the population, as is the case in old areas that suffer from the accumulation of waste.
- The city does not have any projects to use solar energy or wind energy to generate electricity, despite the city’s location in a distinct region nationwide in terms of sunshine periods and wind speeds, according to the climatic studies for the region issued by the Ministry of Environment.
- The two industrial zones suffer from a problem that threatens their future expansion and their ability to provide targeted job opportunities, which is that the new investment law issued in 2017 includes the possibility of granting lands to investors free of charge to encourage industrial expansion, including areas in Beni Suef Governorate near the new city, in which the two industrial zones are affiliated. The Urban Communities Authority and the lands in them are allocated for a financial fee, which gives opportunities for expansion in the areas affiliated with the governorate at the expense of the areas located in the new city, and the light industries area suffers from other problems, including: the lack of suitable transportation means to transport workers, the lack of security facilities and services to maintain security, The lack of health facilities to deal with emergency situations, the absence of restaurants to sell meals to the workers, the absence of restrooms or hotels to serve businessmen, the lack of commercial and administrative services such as automatic teller machines (ATM), post offices, fax and the Internet.
The most important recommendations of the study were:
updating the strategic plan for the city to accommodate the deteriorating conditions in Beni Suef, the capital, which the new city was established to solve its problems, reviewing the target population size, achieving the concept of (extended family) by making building lands available at reduced prices for families, and giving priority to housing units for workers. In the city to achieve social stability and eliminate the suffering of the daily work trip, stop the establishment of luxury housing and expand the construction of low-cost housing to accommodate the low-income people, solve the problems of industrial areas, establish an internal transport facility to link the city’s neighborhoods, and complete the services system, especially health centers, ambulances and police points Bakeries, parks, public libraries, nurseries, malls and cinemas.