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الرسوم المتحركة وعلاقتها بالاغتراب الثقافى لطفل الروضة/
موافـى،ياسميـن محمـد علـى .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ياسمين محمد على
مشرف / ثناء السيد
مشرف / علا امين
مناقش / زينب محمد
مناقش / اعتماد خلف
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - قسم تربية الطفل
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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هدفت الدراسة إلىالكشف عن مدى تحقق أبعاد الاغتراب الثقافىبالرسوم المتحركة التى يشاهدها أطفال العينة من خلال تحليل مضمونها، لمعرفة مدى احتوائها على هذه الأبعاد من عدمه، بالإضافة إلى الكشف عن العلاقة بين مشاهدة الأطفال للرسوم المتحركة ومستوى الاغتراب الثقافى لديهم تبعاً لعدد من المتغيرات تتمثل فى(كثافة المشاهدة، تكرار المشاهدة، أنماط التدخل الأبوى فى المشاهدة).
واستُخدم فى الدراسة استمارة مشاهدة الطفل للرسوم المتحركة فى صورتين ”إحداهما خاصة بالطفل والأخرى خاصة بالأم”، استمارة تحليل مضمون الرسوم المتحركة، مقياس الاغتراب الثقافى لطفل الروضة، واستمارة المستوى الاجتماعى الثقافى للأسرة (إعـداد الباحثة).
كما تم استخدام اختبار المصفوفات المتتابعة الملون لجون رافن”John Raven”.
وقد أسفرت نتائج الدراسة عن:
1) تحقق الاغتراب الثقافى بالرسوم المتحركة التى يشاهدها أطفال العينة بالنسبة لبعدى(الاغتراب عن القيم، والاغتراب عن العادات والتقاليد)، بينما لم يتحقق بالنسبة لبعـــد الاغتــــراب عـــــن اللغــــــــــة.
2) وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين متوسطات درجات الأطفال على مقياس الاغتراب الثقافى لطفل الروضة تبعاً لمتغير نمط التدخل الأبوى فى المشاهدة(بدون تدخل، تدخل تقييدى، تدخل بالمشاركة، تدخل إيجابى) فى اتجاه بدون تدخل.
3) وجودفروق دالة إحصائياً بين متوسطات درجات الأطفالعلى مقياس الاغتراب الثقافى لطفل الروضة تبعاً لمتغير تكرار المشاهدة(كثيفى التكرار، متوسطى التكرار، بدون تكرار) فى اتجاه كثيفى التكرار.
4)وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين متوسطات درجات الأطفال على مقياس الاغتراب الثقافىلطفل الروضة تبعاًلمتغيركثافة المشاهدة(كثيفى المشاهدة،متوسطى المشــــــاهدة، قليلى المشاهدة) فى اتجاه كثيفى المشاهدة.
5) اسهام متغير(كثافة المشاهدة) إسهاماً دالاً إحصائياً فى التنبوء بمستوى الاغتراب الثقافى لدى طفل الروضة.
6) عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين متوسطات درجات الأطفال على مقياس الاغتراب الثقافى لطفل الروضة تبعاً لمتغيرالجنس(ذكور،إناث).
يفضل (91.7%) من أطفال العينة مشاهدة الرسوم المتحركة بصفة دائمة، بينما يشاهدها أحياناً(8.3%).
* من أكثر الرسوم المتحركة التى يفضل أطفال العينة مشاهدتها(جامبول، تنة ورنة، ماشا والدب،بن تن10،اسبونج بوب) بنسبة(78.3%،75%،71.7%،65%، 58.3%)على التوالى.
* يشاهد(90.0%) من أطفال العينة الرسوم المتحركة المفضلة إليهم فى فترة (الظهيرة)، بينما يشاهدها فى فترة المساء(78.3%) منهم، فى حين يشاهدها فى فترة الصباح(15.0%).
* يشاهد معظم أطفال العينة الرسوم المتحركة المفضلة إليهم بصفة يومية أى من(5-7) أيام بنسبة(81.7%)،بينما يشاهدها من(3-4) أيام نسبةً (13.3%) فى حين يشاهدها من(1-2) من الأيام نسبة(5.0%).
* يشاهد معظم أطفال العينة الرسوم المتحركة المفضلة لديهم أكثر من(4) ساعات يومياً بنسبة(61.7%)، يليها مشاهدتهم لها من(2-4)ساعات يومياً بنسبة (25.0%) ثم أقل من ساعتين يومياً بنسبة(13.3%).
* يشاهد معظم أطفال العينة الرسوم المتحركة المفضلة لديهم من خلال التليفزيون بنسبة(85.0%)،يليه الموبايل بنسبة(46.7%)، ثم الكمبيوتر بنسبة(41.7%).
* ما يزيد عن نصف أطفال العينة يندرجون تحت فئة كثيفى المشاهدة بنسبة (53.3%)، يليها متوسطى المشاهدة(26.7%)، ثم قليلى المشاهدة(20%).
* أكثر من نصف أطفال العينة يشاهدون الرسوم المتحركة المفضلة لديهم ثلاث مرات فأكثر يومياً بنسبة(56.7%)، يليها مشاهدتهم لها مرتين يومياً بنسبة (26.7%) ثم مرة واحدة فقط بنسبة(16.7%).
* معظم أطفال العينة يتأثرون بشخصيات الرسوم المتحركة ويقومون بتقليدها بعد مشاهدتهم لها بصفة دائمة بنسبة(85.0%)، يليها تقليدهم لها أحياناً بنسبة (8.3%)، ثم تقليدهم لها نادراً بنسبة(6.7%).
* يقلد أطفال العينة تصرفات وسلوكيات شخصيات الرسوم المتحركة بنسبة (88.3%)، بينما يرغبفى اقتناءملابسهموأدواتهم(61.7%) منهم، فى حين يحفظ الأغانى الخاصة بهم(50%)، ويردد الجمل الشهيرة لهم(40%)، ويقلد أصواتهم وطريقة كلامهم(36.7%)، مما يدل على ارتفاع معدل تقليد الأطفال لأبطال هذه الرسوم المتحركة وتأثرهم بها فى كل شئ.
* لايتم اتباع أى نوع من أنواع التدخل الأبوى مع ما يقرب من نصف أطفال العينة، حيث بلغت نسبة من لايتم اتباع أى نوع تدخل معهم(48.3%)، وكان التدخل بالمشاركة أكثر أنماط التدخل التى يتم اتباعها بنسبة(23.3%)، يليه التدخل التقييدى بنسبة(18.3%)، وأخيراً التدخل الإيجابى بنسبة(10.0%).
* يفضل أكثرمن نصف أطفال العينة التدخل الإيجابى من قبل والديهم ومناقشتهم وتحدثهم معهم حول كل ما يشاهدونه من رسوم متحركة،حيث بلغت نسبة من يرغبون فى التدخل الإيجابى(58.3%)، يليها من يرغبون فى التدخل بالمشاركة بنسبة(31.7%)، ثم عدم التدخل بنسبة(10.0%)، بينما لم يرغب أحد منهم فى التدخل التقييدى، حيث بلغت نسبة من يفضلونه(صفر%).
الكلمات المفتاحية: :((Keywords
-الرســــــــومالمتحـــــــركة((Animated cartoons-الاغتـــــــــراب الثقافـــى( (Cultural alienation
Summary of the study
The current study consists of five chapters, where the first chapter presents an introduction to the study, the second chapter presents the theoretical framework and the basic concept of the study, while the third chapter includes the previous studies, and the fourth chapter presents the study methodology and procedures, while the fifth chapter includes the results of the study and its interpretation, recommendations and proposed studies, The following is the researcher presenting the most important axes of this study:
Problem of the study:
The feeling of the problem stemmed from the researcher’s observation of kindergarten children during her work, as well as the children of the family and neighbors, as she noticed the spread of some behaviors and cultural manifestations unfamiliar to the Egyptian society among the children in everything related to their habits of food, drink, clothing, values, even their language, words, and interactions with others from About them, which are completely inconsistent with the values, customs and traditions of our Egyptian society, which prompted the researcher to search and investigate the source of these behaviors and actions alien to the culture of our society.
The behavior and behaviors of children are the result of the process of socialization that the child receives through the family and various media means, especially television and the telephone. We all see children spending more time in front of them, especially since the parents have become part-time to raise their children and leave them to sit in front of it for long hours with the contents of the animations that include many Of the values, customs and traditions.
This was confirmed by the researcher’s meeting with a large number of these children who had these behaviors, as it turned out that most of them spend a large number of hours in front of television screens to watch all the animation presented to them of all kinds, as well as imitate and simulate the actions and behaviors of its heroes, and this is what I confirmed Also, the results of the study of (Al-Toukhi, 2006; Khalil, 2004).
Sense of the problem was supported by the researcher’s meeting with some of the mothers of these children, as it became clear that most of them made their children seeing these drawings as a source of comfort and distance from the inconvenience caused by the children, and thus allows the child to view them for long periods without supervision and interference from them, and without realizing that the child absorbs everything broadcast Through it, through imitation and simulation of all the behaviors, actions and actions of its protagonists, and this is confirmed by the results of the study (Al-Abdali, Omar, 2011).
In light of the fact that most of the cartoons that children see are imported from foreign countries, it is expected that they will express a different culture that is inconsistent with the culture of our Egyptian society. Thus, watching the child of the behavior of its heroes and trying to imitate them will make him unable to harmonize and sound social interaction according to the culture of his society to which he belongs , Which may lead him to cultural alienation from the culture of his society.
In light of this, and as a matter of the clear impact of animation on children and their cultural identity, and the different results of studies on this effect, it was necessary to examine the relationship between animation and cultural alienation in the child, in order to know which of the results of these studies stands against the current study.
The following questions emerge from the study problem: 1) To what extent is the cultural alienation seen by the children of the sample to be achieved with its various dimensions (alienation from values, alienation from customs and traditions, alienation from the language)?
2) To what extent are there differences between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale according to the parental intervention pattern variable in viewing(without intervention, restrictive intervention, participation intervention, positive intervention)?
3) To what extent are there differences between the mean scores of children on the scale of cultural alienation for kindergarten children according to the variable frequency of viewing (no repetition, average frequency, high frequency)?
4) To what extent are there differences between the mean scores of children on the scale of cultural alienation for kindergarten children according to the variable of viewing intensity (little watched, average watched, highly watched)?
5)To what extent does the viewing intensity variable contribute to predicting the cultural alienation of the child?
6) To what extent are there differences between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale for kindergarten children according to the gender variable males, females)?
Importance of the study:
The importance of the study in theory is due to:
The importance of animation as a distinct artistic template that depends on it mainly in everything presented to the child in terms of programs, films and cartoon series, as well as the high degree of children’s preference and viewing of them in all their different stages of development and their different geographical environments, in addition to its great impact on their values, customs and behaviors, as well as the formation of their personality And their attitudes in all that is presented through them, as children respond to them, imitate them, and memorize them with all their details.
The seriousness of the subject of cultural alienation on the cultural identity of the child, as it is an obstacle to respecting it and preserving its privacy, which was called for by the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Paragraph (c) of Article (29) in September (1990), which stipulated: ”The development of respect for the child and his cultural identity, language and value ”Special, national values of the country in which the child lives and the country in which he was originally raised, and civilizations different from his own.
What increases the importance of this study is that the child at this young age begins to learn about the world around him through various means of social upbringing, including the media, with its various materials, and therefore the child needs to provide him with information, ideas, values and trends in dramatic situations such as the following Animation exposes it to gain him the culture of his society and has a deeper and more deeply rooted influence on himself and his personality, as the child spends more time watching it.
importance of the study from the practical side is due to:
Providing a criterion for judging what is received from animation presented to children, through a content analysis form prepared and presented by the researcher, which helps both parents, educators and media professionals in the evaluation process, and then reduces its negative effects on the child and his cultural identity and the resulting damages.
Directing the attention of those in charge of informing and educating the child - in light of the results of this study - to the need to focus on the production of local cartoons as an alternative to imported foreign production, so that the values, customs and traditions that are commensurate with the Egyptian society can be developed that contribute to producing a generation saturated with Egyptian values and customs, conserving On his cultural identity amid all these Western cultures that he is exposed to.
The results of this study help both parents and educators to follow the best patterns of parental intervention in the child’s viewing of animation, which is ”positive intervention”, by following the child and participating in the watching, answering all his inquiries about the content he is watching, and creating a permanent dialogue area with him. It helps the child to enjoy watching animation without disrupting or negatively affecting his culture.
Objectives of the study:
1- Exposing the dimensions of the cultural alienation in the animation that the children of the sample see by analyzing its content to see whether or not it contains these dimensions.
2- Exposing the relationship between children’s watching of cartoons and their level of cultural alienation according to a number of variables (duration of viewing, frequency of viewing, patterns of parental interference with viewing).
3-Observing the ”patterns of parental interference” that parents practice with the child when watching cartoons, and knowing the extent of their impact on his level of cultural alienation.
4- Monitoring the ”parental intervention patterns” preferred by the children in the study sample.
5- Monitor all behaviors and behaviors of children after watching cartoons to see the extent of their impact on the level of cultural alienation he has.
The Study hypotheses:
1-Cultural alienation in its various dimensions (alienation from values, alienation from customs and traditions, alienation from the language),which the children of the sample see,is realized.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children on the cultural alienation scale of the kindergarten child according to the parental intervention pattern variable in viewing (restrictive intervention, participation intervention, positive intervention, without intervention).
3- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale of the kindergarten child according to the variable frequency of observation (high frequency, average frequency, without repetition).
4- There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale of a kindergarten child according to the viewing intensity variable (watched intensely, average watched, little watched).
5- Viewing intensity contributes statistically significant to predicting the level of cultural alienation among a kindergarten
6- There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale for kindergarten children according to the gender variable (males, females).
The limits of the study:
Study sample:
The study sample consists of two groups; One of them is an analytical sample and the other is a field, as follows:
The sample of the analytical study: It was determined by a group of animated films and series that the children of the sample watch, the number of which reached (72) varied cartoons, with a total duration of (750) minutes, divided into (4) parts of animated films, the total duration of presentation It has (270) minutes, and (4) series, with (68) episodes, the total duration of presentation of it is (480) minutes.
The field study sample: determined by a group of kindergarten children at Gamal Abdel Nasser Distinguished Official Language School, affiliated to the Nozha Educational Administration in Cairo Governorate, in the age group of (6-7) years, at the second level of kindergarten (Kg2), their number reached (60) children distributed evenly , (30males, 30females
Study method:
The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method to describe and analyze the content of the animation that the children of the sample watch, in order to reveal the extent to which the dimensions of cultural alienation have been achieved in it, in preparation for answering the questions of the study and the interpretation of its results, and then knowing the extent of the impact of the animation on the children who watch it.
Study tools:
1- A form for viewing the child for the animation ”the picture of the child” (prepared by the researcher).
2- A form for viewing the child for the cartoon “The Mother’s Image” (researcher preparation).
3- An animation content analysis form (prepared by the researcher).
4- Measure of cultural alienation for kindergarten children (researcher preparation).
5- The sociocultural level of the family (prepared by the researcher).
6- John Raven’s color sequential matrices test.
Procedures of the Study:
The study was conducted in several steps as follows:
- Access to the theoretical framework and previous studies related to the subject of study.
- Preparing the study tools and verifying their validity and reliability.
- selecting the children the study sample and applying the study tools to them.
- selecting the sample of the analytical study in light of the results of the observation questionnaire.
- Applying the content analysis form to the animation study sample.
- Recording the results, unpacking their data, processing them using various statistical methods, and interpreting them.
- Presenting recommendations and suggested researches in light of the findings of the study.
Results of the study:
1) The cultural alienation that was seen by the children of the sample was investigated with respect to the two dimensions (alienation from values, alienation from customs and traditions), while it was not achieved with regard to the dimension of alienation from the language.
2) Statistically significant differences were found between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale of the kindergarten child according to the parental intervention pattern variable in viewing (without intervention, restrictive intervention, participation intervention, positive intervention) in the direction without intervention.
3) Statistically significant differences were found between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale of a kindergarten child according to the variable frequency of observation (high frequency, average frequency, without repetition) in the direction of high frequency.
4) Statistically significant differences were found between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale of a kindergarten child according to the viewership intensity variable (watched intensely, average watched, little watched) in the direction of heavy viewing.
5) The variable (viewing intensity) contributed to a statistically significant contribution to predicting the level of cultural alienation in a kindergarten child.
6) There were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of children on the cultural alienation scale for kindergarten children according to the gender variable (males, females).
*(%91.7) of the sample children prefer to watch cartoons on a permanent basis, while (8.3%) watch them occasionally.
* Among the cartoons that the sample children prefer to watch most are Jambul, Tuna and Reindeer, Masha and the Bear, Ben Ten 10, SpongeBob).
*(%90.0) of the sample children watch their favorite animation in the afternoon period, while (78.3%) of them watch it in the evening, while (15.0%) watch it in the morning.
* Most of the children of the sample watch their favorite cartoons on a daily basis (81.7%), while they watch them sometimes (13.3%), while on some days they watch it (5.0%).
* Most of the sample children watch their favorite cartoons for more than (4) hours a day, (61.7%).
* Most of the sample children watch their favorite cartoons on television (85.0%), followed by mobile (46.7%), and computer (41.7%).
* More than half of the children in the sample fall under the category of heavy watchers (53.3%), followed by the average viewership (26.7%), then the few watched (20%).
* More than half of the sample children watch their favorite cartoons three times every day (56.7%).
* Most of the sample children are affected by cartoon characters and imitate them after watching them permanently by (85.0%).
* The sample children imitate the behaviors and behaviors of cartoon characters (88.3%), while wanting to acquire their clothes and tools (61.7%) from them, while memorizing their songs (50%), repeating their famous sentences (40%), and imitating their voices And the way they speak (36.7%), which indicates the high rate of children imitating the heroes of this animation and being affected by it in everything.
* No type of parental intervention is followed with nearly half of the sample children, as it reached a percentage of those who are not orphaned Following any type of intervention with them (48.3%), of the sample children, and the participatory intervention was the most followed type of intervention with the children of the sample at a rate of (23.3%), followed by the restrictive intervention at a rate of (18.3%), and finally the positive intervention at (10.0%).
* More than half of the sample children prefer the positive intervention of their parents and discussing and talking with them about all the cartoons they watch, as the percentage of those who want a positive intervention reached (58.3%).