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Effect of Areas of Work life and Compassion Satisfaction on Burnout among Nurses /
Elsherif, Alyaa Abdelaziz Helmy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / علياء عبد العزيز حلمى الشريف
مشرف / منال موسى ابراهيم
مناقش / أمل رفعت جاب الله
مناقش / منال موسى ابراهيم
Nursing services- Administration. a Nursing, Supervisory- Organization and administration.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
112 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض - قسم إدارة التمريض
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Work is a natural and desirable form of activity for human beings. Depending on
the circumstances and on the goals set, it can be good for one’s health, support one’s
development and provide satisfaction, but it can also be a pathogenic factor, or become
a source of stress. It has been known for many years that the relationship between work
and the employee is crucial because it is the imbalance of this relationship that brings
burnout. Burnout is a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion, cynicism,
personal inefficacy which can occur among individuals. Maslach and Leiter have
synthesized six determining factors of possible imbalances between work and employee
relationships: workload, control, reward, community, fairness, and values (Miranda,
Despite, the complexity of the healthcare environment and the intensity of
workloads, the majority of nurses continue to practice with kindness and empathy for
their patients. The motivation to remain in the nursing profession is likely related to the
positive feelings derived from caregiving and the desire to help others in their time of
need. Across disciplines, this phenomenon has been referred to as compassion
satisfaction (Fu ,Kao & Wang, 2021).
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between areas of work life,
compassion satisfaction, and burnout among nurses through answering the following
questions; What is the relationship between areas of work life and compassion
satisfaction? What is the relationship between areas of work life and burnout? And is
there a mediating effect of compassion satisfaction between areas of work life and
The study was conducted at Shebin El-Kom Teaching Hospital, Menoufia
Governate. A descriptive correlational research design was used in conducting the
study. Systemic random sampling technique was used to choose study group and accept
to participate in the study.
Three instruments were used to collect the data of this study; the first
instrument was Areas of Work life Scale (AWS) that consists of two parts: Part one:
The socio-demographic data of the study participants. Part two: consisted of (27) items
to assess the level of areas of work life among staff nurse. The Second instrument was
Compassion satisfaction scale. It consisted of 10 items related to staff nurses’
compassion satisfaction. The third instrument was The Maslach Burnout Inventory-
General Survey (MBI-GS) scale. It consisted of 22 items to assess the level of burnout
among staff nurse. Instruments were tested for validity and reliability and administered
to subjects. Data were analyzed using the appropriate tests.
Results of the current study could be summarized as follow:
1- More than half of the studied nurses was in age group less than 30 years old, while
the highest percentage of them were females (66.7%) and married (91.3%). Also,
more than three quarter of them (75.7%) had bachelor degree in nursing. As regard
to years of experience, more than half of them (56.7%) had 5-10 years of
experience working in the hospital.
2- The total mean score of level of areas of work life among studied nurses was
(83.0811.423), the highest mean score of areas of work life was for workload
(17.092.929), while the lowest mean score was for fairness (16.863.936). Also,
more than half of studied nurses had poor level of areas of work life (73%).
3- The total mean score of compassion satisfaction among studied nurses was
(38.746.923).Also, about three fifth of studied nurses had average level of
compassion satisfaction (60.3%).
4- The total mean score of level of burnout among the studied nurses was
(76.3214.421), the highest mean score of burnout was related to personal
inefficacy dimension (33.629.259), while the lowest mean score was related to
cynicism dimension (5.025.928). Also, more than half of studied nurses had low
level of burnout (57.3%).
5- Finally, there was no statistically significant correlation between total level of areas
of work life and levels of compassion satisfaction (P value = 0.056). On the other
hand, there was a high statistically significant correlation between total level of
areas of work life and level of burnout (P value = 0.000).Also, there was no
mediating effect of compassion between areas of work life and burnout.
According to the study findings, recommendations are proposed at three levels:
I- At practical level:
1-Staff development departments should focus on providing training for head nurses
on how to sustain and improve areas of work life and compassion satisfaction
among staff nurse.
2-Hospital administrators need to pay attention to support staff development and
increase staff autonomy and control to improve compassion satisfaction.
3-Top hospital administrators need to take into consideration staff nurses opinions
regarding their areas of work life and how to improve.
4-Provide an effective compensation program such as bonuses, flexible work hours,
and fringe benefits to improve reward, workload and value among nurses.
5-Hospital administrators need to make periodical meeting with nurses’ managers
and staff on different departments to discuss any problem faced by them in their
II- At educational level:
1-New trends in nursing administration need to be included in the curriculum of
under graduates and content should be updated annually.
2-Hosting educational workshops for nursing personnel in order to train them on
improving areas of work life and compassion satisfaction.
3-Areas of work life and compassion satisfaction need to be incorporated as
essential subjects in the nursing curriculum.
III- At research level:
Further researches are required to:
1. Replicate this study in different health care sectors and include all healthcare
2. Study areas of work life, compassion satisfaction and their effects on other
nurses’ and patients’ outcomes.
3. Identify the factors that empower staff nurse to work efficiently and decrease