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Intestinal Parasitic Infestation In Children At Primary Health Care Setting Review /
Mokhtar, Iman Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيمان أحمد مختار
مشرف / نادية مبروك
مشرف / عنايات سلطان
مشرف / عنايات سلطان
Family Medicine.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
IV, 161 P. :
ممارسة طب الأسرة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الطب - family medicine
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Parasites are a polyphyletic group of animals ranging from protozoans toChordates. They are responsible for a number of diseases and mortality in their hosts whichincludes humans.In other to properly reflect the complex interactions of parasites and their host,they are studied under diverse branches.
The parasitic disease triad incorporates the agent (parasite), host and the environment asthe key determinants of parasitic disease transmission.Parasite-host relationship is a form of symbiosis. The parasite benefits at the expense of the host. The relationship may be loose, temporary on intimate.
WHO estimates suggest that there may be some 3.5 million cases admitted annuallywith clinical disease associated with nematodeinfections. In Egypt, 56.0% and 47.0% of children suffered from intestinal parasites and anemia, respectively.
Intestinal parasitic infections (IPIs)are especially problematic because they have negative lifelong health consequences; these infections can contribute to malnutrition which in turn can result in delayed growth as well as cognitive growth.There is a significant association betweenanemia and intestinal parasite infection in pre-schoolchildren.
Protozoanparasites;E. histolyticaand Giardiaare a common and readily transmissible infection. Giardia treatment include single-dose is ineffective in its control, two-dose mass treatment of patients and contacts helped reduce its prevalence in a developmental centerMass medication provided complete cure, prevented autoinfection, and treated the reservoir of undiagnosed patients.
E. vermicularisinfection is usually benign, and 1/3 of those infected are asymptomatic, but itscontrol has been difficult because of reinfection. For typical pinworm infections, Mebendazole can be used with high efficacy. prevention strategies mailnly depened on mass medication, Daily cleaning and vacuuming of households.
Hookwormsare estimated to infect 576–740 million personsglobally, and over half of the infections occur in Asia andthe Pacific regions. Risk factors for infection may include poor personal hygiene and household sanitation, which in turn are influenced by differences in socio-economic status.Intestinal blood loss is the major clinical manifestation of human hookworm infectionresulting in iron deficiency and microcytic, hypochromic anemia.Improvedsanitation and hygiene are essential for the long-term control of parasitic diseases.The long-term nutritional and educational benefits of treatment have yet to be fully established.Benzimidazole is anthleminthics which considered as the cornerstone of helminth control.