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Assessment for Activities of Daily Living Among Schizophrenic Patients \
Osman, Heba Adly Galal,
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تاريخ النشر
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178 p. :
الصحة العقلية النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - التمريض النفسى والصحة النفسية
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he term of schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately one percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties, than in women, who are generally affected in the twenties to early thirties. Individuals with schizophrenia may manifest emotion-focused or avoidance coping, such as social withdrawal, which may be maladaptive in various circumstances.
Adding to that, Activities of daily living as the components of every day activity including self-care work and play leisure activities. The will being by 25%, recent studies have encouraged combination of medical treatment along with mental social one in order to obtain long term improvement in self care, social skills behavioral problems and vocational skills for helping schizophrenic patients to deal with daily situations, and help patients return to normal life function to increase independent functions, enhance development and prevent disability, and face daily living challenges and encourages them to learn living with other people in the community or even at time with family.
Also, activities of daily living are a skills effort to cope patients with disease, and minimize or tolerate stress or conflict of psychological problems. The term coping strategies generally refers to adapt or reduce stress levels.
The aim of this study was to assess activities of daily living among schizophrenic patients, through answering the following research question; what is the perception of schizophrenic patient’s toward the activities of daily living? This study had been conducted at the inpatient department of El-Abassia Governmental Hospital for Psychiatric Mental Health patients, using a simple random sample of chronic hospitalized schizophrenic patients and the data had been collected about three months in three days per week (Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday), total sample of 100 patients, under the following criteria, hospitalized chronic schizophrenic patients, both sex males and females, oriented and able to interact. Data were collected through an interviewing questionnaire form, which consisted of three parts dealing with the patients, there socio-demographic data, clinical data sheet about the schizophrenic patient, and activities of daily living for schizophrenic patients. The pilot study included 10 patients both males and females fulfilling the previously mentioned criteria.
The main finding of this study revealed that:
• About more than one half of patients were females, this result might be attributed to the nature and availability of study sample during the time data collection.
• Study revealed that, less than half of patients under study were single, this may be due to that signs and symptoms of disease lead to disturbance of personality and unsuccessful marriage.
• Study finding revealed that, two fifth of the study sample were read and write due to difficulty in concentration there was less ability to complete education.
• Study result revealed that, the majority of the patients were not working, this could be due to that the high percentage of patients in the current study were low education accordingly, low education means few opportunities to find good job.
• Concerning monthly income more than half the patients of the study sample, was insufficient monthly income due to the patient not working.
• Study result revealed that, the one half of father and mother give care for the patient due to patient not married, not woke, and required physical effort and need close observation. this may be due to schizophrenic patients could not perform their self care or eat themselves
• Study result revealed that, the more than quarter of catatonic schizophrenia due to hallucination and delusion and social isolation most common in catatonic schizophrenia.
• Current study result revealed that, the more than half of patients receiving chemical drug therapy. This might be due to that these drugs are the most common psychotic treatment modalities that being prescribed by most of the therapists.
• Study result revealed that, the third of delusion, hallucination and isolation due to hallucination and delusion were the most common in positive symptoms among the schizophrenic patient.
• Study result revealed that, the more than quarter of the study for personal hygiene depend on nursing due to the side effect of antipsychotic medication, not interest of the appearance, lack sense of interest and lack of motivation leads to inability to perform hygienic care.
• Study revealed that, the quarter of the study sample were patients eating independently, due to frequent reward by giving small gifts and encouragement of patient.
• Decision making, they were dependent on other, about less than half of study.
• Study showed that, the patients sometimes oriented were one half of study sample. Forget their name.
• Study showed that, the patients songs and dance listening to music and radio about less than third. It might be due to sensory and motor stimulation ways of expressing feelings positively and to reducing the anxiety.
Statistically relations:
• Relationship between manner of eating and socio demographic data (Sex, marital status, education, occupation and monthly income) show is no significant between manner of eating and sex P-valve >0.05, but show highly significant between manner of eating and other socio demographic characteristics such as marital status, education, occupation and monthly income, p-value <0.001.
• Relationship between cognitive function and types of schizophrenia show is independent when decision making it represents about 20% and catatonic schizophrenia 28% from total study sample, there is relationship between cognitive function and types of schizophrenia, P-value <0.001.
• Relationship between sleep pattern and types of schizophrenia represent of the catatonic schizophrenia 28% from the total study, stable sleep from 6-8hours without hypnotic drugs, there is relation between sleep pattern and types of schizophrenia, P-value<0.001.
• Relationship between cognitive function and types of treatment show the types of treatment with drug only represent about 26% from total study due to concept of patient on drug is rapidly and effective than others types of treatment.
Concluded of this study are:
This study has contributed to the knowledge based on assessment for activities of daily living among schizophrenic patient it is a major problem that affects the physical, economical, and psychosocial condition of the patient with schizophrenic, this assessment depending on findings of this study answer the questions of the study was the schizophrenic patients need to provide daily living models to improve knowledge about the activities of daily living for the schizophrenic patients, in addition to, there a need for provision this important daily activities especially with these patients.
Recommendations of the study were as follow:
1) Develop in-service training program about activities of daily living as an essential part for continuous updating of nurses knowledge and performance.
2) Provide nurses with periodical in-service training program for helping and promoting the professional skills and performance standard of staff nurses who are working with patients with schizophrenia.
3) Raise nursing staff awareness about the importance of activities of daily living for schizophrenic patients, through mass media, posters, psychiatric patient videos and illustrated booklets.
4) Develop skills of nurses and make training on role play about activities of daily living to help nurses achieve and accomplish the expected patient care outcome.
5) Psychiatric mental health nurses should have active role in helping schizophrenic to cope effectively with stress using stress management technique.