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تأثير التعرض للأفلام السينمائية المصرية المقدمة في التليفزيون علي اتجاهات المراهقين نحو الجريمة :
المهندس، هبة المتولي عبدالرحمن عبدالرحمن.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هبة المتولي عبدالرحمن عبدالرحمن المهندس
مشرف / عبدالهادي أحمد النجار
مشرف / أسماء الجيوشي
مناقش / محمد معوض
مناقش / سامي السعيد أحمد النجار
الجريمة والمجرمون - جوانب نفسية. الأفلام السينمائية - جوانب سلوكية وأخلاقية - مصر. المراهقة. نظرية التعلم الاجتماعي. النظريات الاجتماعية. علم نفس المراهقون.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
280 ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - قسم إعلام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 280

from 280


The study sought to monitor the negative news in social networking sites and youth attitudes towards violence. This study is descriptive and used the media survey method. , And the community of the analytical study in the analysis of the content of the news pages in Facebook as a page (Elyoum 7- your news page.Net - Sky News Arabia) Through the use of the industrial week during the study period specified from 8 June 2014 until 8 June 2016, The field study was conducted on a simple random sample of the Egyptian university youth who follow the social networking sites and the 400 students distributed in the equivalent of (Cairo University - Al-Azhar University - Mansoura University - Delta University for Science and Technology).The results of the study- The study reached the quality of the news published in the pages analyzed. The news of accidents and crimes ranked first with 38.7%, indicating the high rate of crimes in society.- The analytical study presented the categories of comments on the negative news published in the social networking sites. The insults ranked first with 46.7%. This indicates the prevalence of verbal violence in expressing opinions Suggesting a lack of ethics.- The study found that the largest percentage of respondents believe that negative and violent news helps young people feel frustrated, The study also revealed that verbal violence was the most violent type of violence experienced by respondents in the sample of 20.3%, which is consistent with the results of the analytical study, which confirmed the prevalence of verbal violence in social media sites. The study sought to monitor the negative news in social networking sites and youth attitudes towards violence. This study is descriptive and used the media survey method. , And the community of the analytical study in the analysis of the content of the news pages in Facebook as a page (Elyoum 7- your news page.Net - Sky News Arabia) Through the use of the industrial week during the study period specified from 8 June 2014 until 8 June 2016, The field study was conducted on a simple random sample of the Egyptian university youth who follow the social networking sites and the 400 students distributed in the equivalent of (Cairo University - Al-Azhar University - Mansoura University - Delta University for Science and Technology).The results of the study- The study reached the quality of the news published in the pages analyzed. The news of accidents and crimes ranked first with 38.7%, indicating the high rate of crimes in society.- The analytical study presented the categories of comments on the negative news published in the social networking sites. The insults ranked first with 46.7%. This indicates the prevalence of verbal violence in expressing opinions Suggesting a lack of ethics.- The study found that the largest percentage of respondents believe that negative and violent news helps young people feel frustrated, The study also revealed that verbal violence was the most violent type of violence experienced by respondents in the sample of 20.3%, which is consistent with the results of the analytical study, which confirmed the prevalence of verbal violence in social media sites.