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فاعلية برنامج تدريبي قائم على التأهيل المهني لتحسين التوافق النفسي والاجتماعي لدي المعاقين عقليا القابلين للتعلم /
الشيمي، نجلاء فتحي عبدالرحمن عفيفي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نجلاء فتحي عبد الرحمن عفيفي الشيمي
مشرف / سليمان محمد سليمان محمود
مشرف / طلعت أحمد حسن علي
التكيف النفسي. المعوقون - تعليم.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
214ص. :
الصحة النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية - علم النفس والصحة النفسية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 209

from 209


Intellectual handicap is more complex than any other disability, as the more level increase the more the handicapped adaptive difficulties increase, social integration, and many other passive consequences.
Intellectual handicap result in some mental effects that may lead to great changes in the individual personality, letting him unable to well-adjust which appear in their relations with others and integration with their surrounding environment, aggressive behaviors, low level of self confidence, incline to isolation, and unable to cooperate with others, so we should provide psychological care and improve their well adjustment either personally or socially in order to be able to production and adaptation.
Intellectually handicapped training may lead to depression loading, and control emotions to learn self control, which in turn lead to increasing self confidence, and getting rid of failure feeling, this help in social communication, such skills cannot be acquired through prompting or counseling but through appropriate way of socialization, and free social interaction with community in real life not in isolation.
This can be done through rehabilitation and teaching him a suitable work in terms of their mental, physical skills and interests, which enables him in his social and economic independence after providing him an opportunity to work, and in terms of their training nature in workshops or similar work conditions, in turn his participation in social and economic development and his sense as a productive individual in society, has rights and duties. So the current study tries to achieve personal and social adaptation, sound psychological development for the handicapped, guiding their life with the best possible ways, solve their problems and improve their psychological adaptation as possible.
The Study Problem:
Intellectual handicap in society represent a great problem and importance that we must take in account because of such population problems that have passive effects on their integration, deficit in mental abilities associated with shortage in social communication, lead to some inappropriate behaviors in different social situations, so we must take care of them as a social or human task not only according to advanced civilization but the problem amount and its passive effects on individual and those who around him also.
There are many studies confirmed the behavior problems in the intellectually handicapped during training (Abdullah, Mohamed El-wably, 1993). Mcnellis (1999) affirmed that they suffer from deficit in social communication which leads to behavior problems, so Gearheart et al (1992) showed that they in need to training programs to develop their adaptive behavior. The current study researcher tries to use professional rehabilitation program in order to alleviate their depressive situations and aggression in society.
Eman kandeel (2009) showed the importance of professional rehabilitation in achieving the sense of importance, self confidence and respect others in the intellectually handicapped that they are ready to training in professional areas. So the current study problem presented in the following question:
What is the Effectiveness of a training based program on professional rehabilitation to improve psychosocial adjustment in educable intellectually handicapped?
The study aims:
The recent study aims determined in the following:
• Verifying the effectiveness of a training based program on professional rehabilitation to improve psychosocial adjustment in educable intellectually handicapped.
• Verifying the correlation relationship between psychosocial adjustment and the professional rehabilitation process.
The study importance:
1. The importance of the age of its population (adolescence) that characterized with behavior problems in intellectually handicapped in general.
2. The importance of its subject as it deals with improving psychosocial adjustment in educable intellectually handicapped through using a professional rehabilitation program.
The study hypotheses:
1. There are significant statistically differences between mean degrees of experimental and control group in post assessment of psychosocial adjustment in favor of the experimental group.
2. There are significant statistically differences between mean degrees of experimental group in pre and post assessment of psychosocial adjustment in favor of the post assessment.
3. There are no significant statistically differences between mean degrees of control group in pre and post assessment of psychosocial adjustment.
4. There are no significant statistically differences between mean degrees of experimental in post and follow-up assessment of psychosocial adjustment in favor of the experimental group.
The study limitations:
The study sample consisted of (16) educable intellectually handicapped male participants aged 12-15 years with mean age 14.6 and SD (+-1.9) divided into experimental (N: 8) and control (N: 8) groups.
The study method and tools:
The current study used the experimental approach. Its tools are as follow:
• Adaptive Behavior Scale (1995) translated by Safwat Farag and Nahed Ramsy
• Stanford–Binet Scale (5th version) translated by Safwat Farag (2011).
• The training program (The researcher).
The statistical styles:
The researcher processed the data statistically by using Mann Witney Test and Wilcoxon Test.
The study results:
1. There are significant statistically differences between mean degrees of experimental and control group in post assessment of psychosocial adjustment in favor of the experimental group and the total degree in significance level 0.01 and the third dimensions (antisocial behavior) in significance level 0.003.
2. There are significant statistically differences between mean degrees of experimental group in pre and post assessment of psychosocial adjustment in favor of the post assessment and the total degree in significance level 0.01 except the seventh dimension (inappropriate social behavior) in significance level 0.008.
3. There are no significant statistically differences between mean degrees of control group in pre and post assessment of psychosocial adjustment as the total degree and the dimensions degree higher than 0.005 ie. no significant statistically differences.
4. There are no significant statistically differences between mean degrees of experimental in post and follow-up assessment of psychosocial adjustment in favor of the experimental group after two months of graduation that verify the validity of the fourth study hypothesis.