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Effect of some Antioxidants Application on Some Rice Cultivars under Different Irrigation Levels /
Sobh, Mahmoud Elbialy Elbialy Ali.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمود البيلى البيلى على صبح
مشرف / صبحي غريب رزق سرور
مشرف / أيمن عبد الدايم احمد
مشرف / عبد الفتاح جابر عبد الفتاح
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
96 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة كفر الشيخ - كلية الزراعة - محاصيل
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Two field experiments were conducted at the farm research of rice research and training center Sakha - Kafr El-Sheikh during the seasons 2013 and 2014 to compare three cultivars of Egyptian rice response (Sakha 101 and Giza 178, Giza 179) to spray some antioxidants (Control, ascorbic acid, humic acid and Citric acid) under three periods of irrigation (continuous flooding, irrigation every six days and irrigation every nine days) and the interaction between them, A split split plot design was conducted in three replicates where included main plots on the irrigation intervals included sub plots on cultivars while distributed antioxidants in sub sub plots, have been using the manual method of transplanting in agriculture at distances of 20x20 cm and nthe results were obtained as follows:
• The results showed that increasing irrigation intervals until 9 days recorded significant differences in all the traits. the treatment of continuous irrigation showed the highest values in weight of dry matter (g / m 2), leaf area index, the number of tillers / m 2, flag leaf area (cm 2) , plant height (cm), the number of panicles/ m 2, the number of filled grain, 1000-grain weight (g), grain yield (t / ha) and biological yield (tons / ha) without significant difference with irrigation every 6 days in traits of dry matter weight, leaf area index and plant height in both seasons, as well as for flag leaf area in the second season and the number of filled grain in the first season. the treatment of irrigation every 9 days showed the lowest values in all previous studied traits compared to the rest of irrigation treatments, while the treatment of irrigation every 6 days and irrigation every nine days do not showed any significant deferences in the traits of dry matter weight (g / m 2), leaf area index , number panicles / m 2 and number of filled grain in both seasons. and in traits of number of tillers / m 2 and grain yield (t / ha) in the first season and in traits of flag leaf area (cm 2), 1000-grain weight (g) and biological yield (tons / ha) in the second season.
• the cultivar Sakha 101 surpassed in traits of number of tillers / m 2, number of panicles/ m 2, 1000 grain weight (g) and biological yield (t / ha) in both seasons and trait of plant height in the first season, while the lowest values recorded in the trait of number of filled grain in both seasons . While Giza 178 has the highest values in both traits flag leaf area (cm 2) and grain yield (t / ha) in both seasons and traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index and plant height in the second season, while less significant values recorded in the trait of 1000 grain weight (g) in both seasons. And traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index and plant height (cm) in the first season. On the other hand, Giza 179 recorded the highest values in the character of number of filled grain in both seasons and both traits of dry matter weight (g) and leaf area index in the first season and the lowest values in traits of number of tillers / m 2, number of panicles / m2 and biological yield (t / ha) in the both seasons. and traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index, plant height (cm) and grain yield (t / ha) in the second season and trait of flag leaf area (cm 2) in the first season.
• spraying with antioxidants led to significant difference compared to the control in the traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index and plant height with no significant difference between the material and each other in both seasons and in traits of flag leaf area (cm 2), number of panicles/ m 2, grain yield (tons / ha) and biological yield (tons / ha) with no significant difference between the material and each other in the second season. and number of filled grain and 1000 grain weight (g) in the first season. While spraying with citric acid led to higher values in traits of number of tillers / m 2 and number of panicles/ m 2 without significant difference with spraying with humic acid while ascorbic acid came in the third place and the control treatment has the lowest values. on the other side spraying with humic acid scored the highest values in the character of 1000 grain weight (g) while both humic acid and citric acid came in second place and the control treatment was the lowest values in the second season. while spraying with citric acid recorded the highest significant values in the character of the number of filled grain while both of ascorbic acid and humic acid came in second place and control treatment was the lowest significant values in the second season. While spraying with ascorbic acid recorded the highest significant values in the trait of flag leaf area (cm), while both of ascorbic acid, citric acid and control treatments came in the second place with no significant difference between each other in the first season. On the other side there was no significant difference between antioxidants and control treatment in both traits grain yield (t / ha) and biological yield (t / ha) in the first season.
• The results showed that increasing irrigation intervals until 9 days recorded significant differences in all the traits. the treatment of continuous irrigation showed the highest values in weight of dry matter (g / m 2), leaf area index, the number of tillers / m 2, flag leaf area (cm 2) , plant height (cm), the number of panicles/ m 2, the number of filled grain, 1000-grain weight (g), grain yield (t / ha) and biological yield (tons / ha) without significant difference with irrigation every 6 days in traits of dry matter weight, leaf area index and plant height in both seasons, as well as for flag leaf area in the second season and the number of filled grain in the first season. the treatment of irrigation every 9 days showed the lowest values in all previous studied traits compared to the rest of irrigation treatments, while the treatment of irrigation every 6 days and irrigation every nine days do not showed any significant deferences in the traits of dry matter weight (g / m 2), leaf area index , number panicles / m 2 and number of filled grain in both seasons. and in traits of number of tillers / m 2 and grain yield (t / ha) in the first season and in traits of flag leaf area (cm 2), 1000-grain weight (g) and biological yield (tons / ha) in the second season.
• the cultivar Sakha 101 surpassed in traits of number of tillers / m 2, number of panicles/ m 2, 1000 grain weight (g) and biological yield (t / ha) in both seasons and trait of plant height in the first season, while the lowest values recorded in the trait of number of filled grain in both seasons . While Giza 178 has the highest values in both traits flag leaf area (cm 2) and grain yield (t / ha) in both seasons and traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index and plant height in the second season, while less significant values recorded in the trait of 1000 grain weight (g) in both seasons. And traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index and plant height (cm) in the first season. On the other hand, Giza 179 recorded the highest values in the character of number of filled grain in both seasons and both traits of dry matter weight (g) and leaf area index in the first season and the lowest values in traits of number of tillers / m 2, number of panicles / m2 and biological yield (t / ha) in the both seasons. and traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index, plant height (cm) and grain yield (t / ha) in the second season and trait of flag leaf area (cm 2) in the first season.
• spraying with antioxidants led to significant difference compared to the control in the traits of dry matter weight (g), leaf area index and plant height with no significant difference between the material and each other in both seasons and in traits of flag leaf area (cm 2), number of panicles/ m 2, grain yield (tons / ha) and biological yield (tons / ha) with no significant difference between the material and each other in the second season. and number of filled grain and 1000 grain weight (g) in the first season. While spraying with citric acid led to higher values in traits of number of tillers / m 2 and number of panicles/ m 2 without significant difference with spraying with humic acid while ascorbic acid came in the third place and the control treatment has the lowest values. on the other side spraying with humic acid scored the highest values in the character of 1000 grain weight (g) while both humic acid and citric acid came in second place and the control treatment was the lowest values in the second season. while spraying with citric acid recorded the highest significant values in the character of the number of filled grain while both of ascorbic acid and humic acid came in second place and control treatment was the lowest significant values in the second season. While spraying with ascorbic acid recorded the highest significant values in the trait of flag leaf area (cm), while both of ascorbic acid, citric acid and control treatments came in the second place with no significant difference between each other in the first season. On the other side there was no significant difference between antioxidants and control treatment in both traits grain yield (t / ha) and biological yield (t / ha) in the first season.