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The gene expression of adhesion molecules and the tuberculosis and granulomatous inflammation in tuberculosis and schistosomiasis \
el-Essawy,Ayman Kauual Mahrous.
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / محمد رمضان ابو شادى
مشرف / نبيلة انور الشيخ
مشرف / سهير سعيد مقلد
باحث / ايمن كمال منصور
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
Analytical Chemistry
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية العلوم - ميكروبيلوجى
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It has been showri that granulomatous hypersensitivity reaction in
tuberculosis (T.B) is mainly associated with THl cytoi<ine
expression while that in schistosomiasis is TH2 depende1it. On the
otl1er hand most of the adhesion molecules which regulate leukocyte I activati011 and migration are inducible by these cytoki.nes.
This work investigates the granulon1atous inllammation and
compares the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule·!
1 (ICAivl-1) and phtclct cndolhclial cell adhesion molecule-!
~ (PECAM-l) between the TB and schi~tosome models. /\n in vivo I granuloma formation was induced in immunized C)) 1 mice by
I intra~enous. injection of sepharose beids coated .wilh either purified
protem denvaltves (l’J>D) of ’¥· tuberculosis (m the TB moqel) or
. with soluble egg, antigens (SEA) of S. mansoni (in the schistosome
model). Fro7.en lung sections were analy:.::ed for U1c c~p•ession of
. \CAM-I and PECJ\M-1 using image analyzer. The two models
I demonstrated significant increase in TCA M-1 expression in
immunized animals that received antigen coated beads as compared
to uncoated beud controls (p<O.OOl) and to naive controls
I (p<O.OOl). In contrast, PECAJv(-l expres~ion was down1:cgulated in
the schistosome model but not in the TB model. Tlu: net gnmuluma
size formed aJ.·ow1d antigen coated beads in the vaccinated animals
of I he two models wa~ significantly larger than that formed in the
naive control animals or thll t fom1ed <~round ant ig::;n uncoated beads.
lt is suggested lhal the diiTerence in PECAM-1 expression between
the two · models might be due to different cytokine regulatory ·