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Evaluation of results of surgical
treatment of tibial plateau Fractures /
ELsisi, AbdelrahmanAbd Elkader .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبد الرحمن عبدالقادر صالح السيسي
مشرف / السيد مرسي زكي
مناقش / عادل ابراهيم الصعيدي
مناقش / السيد مرسي زكي
Tibia - Fractures. Tibial Fractures.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
145 p. :
جراحة العظام والطب الرياضي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - جراحة العظام
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Tibial plateau fractures are relatively infrequent. They are serious
injuries affecting one of the most important weight bearing joints. The
consequences of inadequate treatment could be serious and their
treatment is a matter of controversy.
The treatment goals are restoration of joint congruency,
restoration of normal alignment, joint stabilization and ultimately
prevention of post-traumatic arthrosis.
For significant displaced tibial plateau fractures or those associated
with significant joint instability open reduction and internal fixation has
been the treatment of choice.
Principles of treatment in conventional open reduction and internal
fixation involve arthrotomy and often by detachement of the anterior
meniscal horn, elevation of depressed fragments from below through a
bony window, bone grafting to fill the resultant metaphyseal defect and
rigid internl fixation using A.O. technique.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the results of open reduction
and internal fixation of displaced tibial plateau fractures. In this study,
25patients with 25 tibial plateau fractures were treated by ORIF, using
A.O . principles with period of follow-up ranging from 9-12 months ,all
cases were examined clinically and radiologically. The age incidence in
this study ranges from 20-75 years with the mean age 40 years.
Females (56%)were affected more than males. Road traffic
accident was the commonest cause of trauma 52% . fractures were
classified according to schatzker classification system. There were 2
fractures type I (8%), 9 fractures type II (36%), 5 fractures type IV (20%)
and 9 fractures type V (36%). After rigid internal fixation , the stability
of the knee was tested and the ligamentous injuries were evaluated.
The overall results at the end of follow up were as follow Satisfactory
joint function were found in 21 patients (84.0%) and mild to moderate
knee dysfunction results in 4 patients (16.0%).
These results in term of functional outcome according to modified Oxford
knee score.
The proximal tibial fractures need optimum treatment as most
of them involve the productive age group.
Proximal tibial fractures, one of the commonest intra articular
fractures, incidence of these fractures are increasing regularly due to
RTA and at the same time surgical treatment options also being
modified continuously.
The aim of surgey was to have maximal anatomic reduction of the
articular surface ,rigid internal fixation allowing for early motion to have
straight, stable , mobile and painless knee.
This study revealed that satisfactory results were obtained in 84.0% of
patients and mild to moderate results were obtained in 16% of patients.
Complications were found in 16% of patients.
These results are comparable with others documented studies.