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Effect of Postoperative Immobility on Children with Musculoskeletal Disorders /
Abd Alkhair, Samar Sobhi.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سمر صبحي عبدالخير
مشرف / أفكار رجب محمد
مشرف / ثناء أحمد محمود
مشرف / عمرو سعيد عرفة
Pediatric Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
Various Paging :
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية التمريض - Department of Pediatric Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are disorders that affect the musculoskeletal
system. Immobility has serious consequences on children; physically and
psychosocially. The aim of the current study was to assess the effect of postoperative immobility on children with MSDs. A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized. The study was conducted at pediatric orthopedic surgical specialty ward and outpatient clinic at Cairo University Specialized Pediatric Hospital. A convenient
sample of 100 children with MSDs and their caregivers were participated this study.
Tools of data collection were structured interview schedule. Tools included personal
characteristics data about the child, his /her parents, observational checklist to
evaluate the effects of pre and postoperative immobility on children with MSDs
physically and psychosocially. The study results revealed that, more than two fifth of
children’ age ranged from 3- <6 years, and more than half of children were males.
More than two fifth of the children with MSDs stayed in cast for 2 months. Mainly
there were highly statistical significant difference between the effects of pre and
postoperative immobility on the children physically such as impaired skin integrity,
loss of appetite and urinary retention, as well as psychosocially. There was statistical
significant correlation between the children’ age and causes of the MSDs (r=.295,
p=.001). There was statistical significant correlation between the children’ age and
cast period (r=.204, p=.021). There was statistical significant correlation between cast
period and the negative postoperative consequences on children (r= 220, p=.015). The
study concluded that, there were negative effects of immobility on children’ physical
and psychosocial wellbeing. The study recommended that, comprehensive nursing
care program for children with immobilization is very important in both pre and
postoperative periods to minimize the physical and psychosocial effects of immobility
on children and their families.