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Physiological studies of some anti-diabetic drugs reproductive system in male albino rat /
El-Hodairy, Fawkya Abdel-Aleem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فوقيه عبد العليم الحضيرى
مشرف / محمد ناجى محمد مسعد
مناقش / محمد السيد عبد الحليم
مناقش / محمد ناجى محمد مسعد
Physiology. Animal science.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
246 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية العلوم - علم الحيوان
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Diabetes mellitus is a major problem in Egypt especially that little is known about the true picture of diabetes in terms of incidence and prevalence, accordingly diabetes is considered one of the under estimated public health problems. Also, obesity plays a big role in the etiology and prevalence of diabetes mellitus .The economic impacts of diabetes in Egypt are progressively increasing so there should be active steps to develop the optimum management. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of antidiabetic drugs gliclazide (DIA) and rosiglitazone (AVA) and their combination (DIA+AVA) on body weight, haemotological parameter (WBCs ,RBCs count ,Hb% and Ht) ,biochemical analysis ,hormonal assay and histopathological studies on liver pancrease and testis organs and give spots on the side effect of AVANDIA drugs which are used as anti -diabetic drugs. This study was done in National Organisation of Drug Control and Research. on 100 Albino rats obtained from Kafer-EI-Gabal Farm weighted about 180-200 g. The animals were divided into two main groups, namely 1- Non-diabetic group 2- Diabetic group. Each group was divided into 4 subgroups according to treatment. 1- Non-diabet!c group (Normal animals); 1- Control group: animals were received I ml citrate buffer orally daily for 4 weeks. Il- DIA treated group: animals were orally administered DIA (1.44 mg.!lOO g. b.wt.) daily for 4 weeks. lll- AVA treated group: animals were daily received orally AVA (0.58 mg.!IOO g. b.wt.) daily for 4 weeks. VI- DIA+AVA treated group: animals were given orally DIA (1.44 mg.!g. b.wt.) and then co-administered with AVA (0.58 mg.!IOO g. b.wt.) for 4 weeks. 2- Diabetic group (diabetic animals): After induction of diabetes in rats according to Dean et al, (1986), animals were subdivided into 4 groups according to medication. Drugs medications were started at the 3rd day of diabetes induction. 1- STZ group: animals were served as diabetic control group (50mg./kg. b.wt.). 2- STZ+DIA treated group: animals were received a daily dose ofDIA (1.44 mg.!IOOg. b.wt.) for 4 weeks. 3- STZ+AVA treated group: animals were given a daily dose OfAVA (0.58 mg.!1 OOg.b.wt. ) for 4 weeks. 4- STZ+DIA+AVA treated group: animals were received a daily dose of DIA(1.44mg/100g. b.wt.) in concomitant with a daily dose of AVA (0.58mg.!1 OOg.b.wt.) , orally for 4 weeks. This study prove the efficacy and safety of gliclazide (DIA)on diabetic rats treated with STZ and some restriction on (AVA) where: 1- The body weight decrease gradually during the period of xperiment (4 weeks) while increasing during treatment with AVA.