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some relationships between growth of ornamental plant and landsoape gardening /
Attoa, Gamal El-Din Ebrahim.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Gamal El-Din Ebrahim Attoa
مشرف / Mahmoud Rashad Shedded
مناقش / Eid Uohamed Koreish
مناقش / Hassan Ahmed Hassan
Ornamental plants. Landscape gardening.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
190 p. ;
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - نبات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This investigation aimed to evaluate the effect of
some hortioul tural and environmental aspects on the grorih
and appearance of somegarden elements, as well as ,trees,
lawns, hedges, succulent and cacti plants as principle
elements in landscape.
The study included the effect ot bed orientation on
the growth sight under shade or sunlight spot in the garden.
The criticism ot so_ garden in foriegn countries
and in Egypt was also considered in this work.
The most important parts are the following
I •.Effect ot plant at.rial on air telBJ)!r&ture
1- Effect of trees:
. Trees are the dominant visual elements ot plant
materials used to modify air temperature especially in
the aird zone climates. They provide shelter from sun
burn in &umner,and minim1ze the hot day temperature.
This was found to depend on the tree forms and shape at
foliage tree 8S well as the density. Par example 2i s1mi-
.!:2! edulis cover 22.89 .2 from the ground area and participate
by ).75°C in lowering the air temperature. As
tor Cassia nodosa cover 21.72 m2from the ground area
and participate by 2.200C, but Grevillea robusta tree
decrease air temperature by 1.49°C when tree occupied
10.75 .2 from the ground area.
However, number at branches, shape of toliage, density
and kind of leaves were affected on air temperature.
The neeclle leaves tree i.e. Pinus halepensla reduced air
temperature by 10.8°C comparedwith ).2°C for broad
leaves tree as Ficus elastica. It seams that Coniferous
evergreens absorb more sunlight and thus they are very
eftect! ve in reducing air temperature arround their
spots. As for the tine leaves tree Jacaranda ovalitolia
reduced air temperature by 7.1 °C in April.
Concerning garden build1Dgs the study proved a reduction
ot 9°C indoors, Casimiroa tree shared the buildings
in reducing the air temperature by 12.2)OC in August,
while Casim1roa tree shared by ).2,3°C as comparedto temperature
ot sand walk.
Fastigate and Columnar trees act as accental and
exclamation point 8 similar to a church steeple on the
sk;yline at the country town. Spreading trees not only
give the teeling at breadth and extend but also they
modify air temperature in different 1J&78 due to the
number of branches earried on the tree and- the shape of
leaves as well as the method of branching.
’lb.e obtained data i.n this thesis proved the above
2- Effect of lawns:
During November, Bermudagrass minimized the hot
~ temperature by 1.5°C when the soil humidity was 16.7~.
When soil humidity increased to 18.93%, the reduced teaaperature
was 4.)8°0. Lawn irrigation decreased air temperature
b7 3.4°C compared with the dry lawn which decreased
air temperature only by 1.5°C.
II. Hedges
1- ~ oriental!s, L.hedge
l.l-Effect af short level trimming at 70 ems
The establishment of the hedge depended upon
the direction of hedge. It was found that South and West
direct1aDs were more agreeable to establish short Thuja
hedges, since that provided complete seperation of the
garden part s.
1.2- Effect of high level trimming at 90 em
Thuja shrub added 0.259 m2as a living weil to
the hedge exposed to the West direction, South direction
createel 0.271 .2 as 11V1Dg greene1’7 in the garden.
All d:Lrections of tall trimming increased the shrub
width; East and North tall trimmed shrubs showed the
largest gap area inbetween. whereas West and South directions
gave little gap areas. The sight and screening of
the hedge depended upon triDDning level as well as to their
2- Ficus nitida hedge
The data for l’icu8 n1tida hedge took similar trend
of the 1’l:nlja hedge. However, all transplants should be
shortened in early stage of growth to a min:l1lRlm to enhance
branch formation. It was proved that increasing planting
distance bad a negative correlation with the rate of the
hedge furnish1 ng in the garden.
J- Lantana camara hedge
PrIming of Lantana camara hedge once/year stimulates
the basic grQrih at the end of the growing season
compared with the frequent pruning. The frequent pruning
also increased shoots number to 82 compared to )2 shoots
for pruning once/year. Thus low hedge tri””ng produced
shorter -and more compact hedges compared to pruning once/
year.4- Duranta plumeria var varigata
The growth of hedge grown as low hedge was very
slaw, in order to overcome this problem, Pelargomy
zonal was planted in the gaps of hedge to complete its
On this ground, it could be emphasized that some
flowering perennials could help in creatiDg a lovely
scenery and a h@rmoD3e”ffeot if corporated with a slow
growing hedge especial17 at the starting years.
III. !he contr1.bu.t1on of succulent plants OD. IRlcculgt
garden construction
aaceulents take several years before they appear
their effects on the garden view. Agave plant occupied
between 0.)07 m2 - 0.502 m2 from the garden and O.05~-
0.109 m3 at space in the first stage of its creation.
The seener,- of succlent plants became large enough
to attract the attention of garden visitors in _turing
stage. Opuntia vulgaris and Lophocereu8 shotti occupied
6.039 .3 and 0.174 .) respeotive17 from the garden space
a·fter (8) ye~s from planting. .ve americapa var Darginata
could share by 2.264 .3 from the garden space
when the plant facing \fest side, wMla it will share by
2.649 .3 it they taciDg the Bast side of succulent
garden. Generally, the growth of succulent s was more
larger when the plants were racing the West.direction.
The leaves and some branches of succulent plant had to
be thiDned in order to allow sunlight to interfere
between the plantae
The scenery ofdifterent succulent and cactus
genera in constructing the garden will vary due to their
combination as well &8 the individuality distribution •
. If one genus is only used 1t IDB7 create a repeated 8ce-
DB17. In formal garden it DI8.7 be useful.IV. The etfect ot p1aDt orientat:1on on the plaat I1”O’!th
and 81f51\t .ppearanoe
1- Sal v:1a spleD.dene
Shade and sunlight in the g~en can determine
the growth and its appearance in the garden, Sal via
splendens ~ be grown under shade garden conditiona and
it Will show so_ orD8llenta1 growth under such cond1tions.
The plant w111 occupy a m-.J.1er area, about 0.581 m2•
~erea8 under full sunlight it will occupy about 0.916 .2.
Hence the number of plants needed to blossomin the garden
bed or borders has to be perfectly caleal.ated depending
on the position in sun or shade.
2- HYbrid Tea Roses
Hybrid Tea Roses grown under SUllD3’ conditions
occupied 0.635 m2 from the garden. C&1culating the number
of ~brid Tea Roses plants needed to cover 10 m2 in a
S\lDIQ’ location, it was found to be 15.7 shrubs compared
to 20.7 shrubs needed to fulfill the same effect, and
sharing by 3.01 m3of a fiOll’ering surface in SUlU1Y location
compared to 1.66 .3 in shade one•
.In our opinion Floribunda Roses 1II8.T create more effective
groups when planted in front bed, in combination
with BTbrid Tea Roses.
3- Senecio doria
Planting Senecio doria in the garden depends upon
the amount of light which will be exposed to them. Shady
locations are more suitable to its growth as single speci.-
n. Under those conditions, eftr:,y plant creates large
size and more vigure end occupies about 1.33 m2• Plant
exposed to full sunlight occupies less area of 0.580 m2
in the garden. Also,’ it lEst be planted in combination
with flowering annual plants.
4- Dracaena draco
Dracaena draco plants g:rown in SUIIDi’ locations
completely different from those grown UDder shady condl
tione. !he plant creates a strong focal point in’ the
. garden with J branches and 410 cmtall trunk. The crown
produoes 11 orown divisions. whereas. in Bh.ac17 locations
it has only 2 branches, with 340 cmslength trunk.
5- Agaveamericana var marginata
Air,aveamericana var marginata 1s preferably grown
in S\IDIQ” location in the garden to create a focal point
of great visual interest in a ~ corner. The plant
occupied about 6.61 .2 in the garden area and shared b7
3.90 m3 for ornamenting the garden. While. plants grown
in”locations were not too sh~.,..
s, B!aJ.uatioD of Citadel prdens
Landscape gardening has an. important role in beautifying
touristic areas, the business of landscape gardeniDg
not only g1ves our monumentplaces the glorious
and beautY’. but also they have not harm or to change
their essential characteristics. Plant materials chosen
for those places should be connected with their hi8’torioal
PaD young palms should be 11ed out in the poole.
location to complete the historical panora.a ot the
Citadel garden. There are two suggestions for redesigning
ot the garden which in tront Citadel gardens
facing salah SBlm’s street, the first ~at1on 1sl
creating formal. garden or creatiDg Su.coulent garden.
Lawns should share in gardens design. The width ot East
side lawn is agreeable to create a mixed border facing
the Citadel wall.
Some harmfUl effects II8Y affect the gardening creation
such as ground. water which ~ increase due to use
of _ch irrigation which could affect the historical
build1ng8~ However. irrigation bY’DROPlets and/or sprinklingmethods
could be adopted.
To ask more safet,. to 01tade1 constructions. the
level. of ground water, and slope of ground BIIlat be
examined and a distance of 10-15 mmust be left to
surround the C1tadel wall.
VI. It!!J.uatJ.ODof the uveloplPnt of Tabr1r sauare prden
The development of Tahrir square garden passed b,. different
stages froa 1958 to 1988.
The distribution of trees was well organised in the
period from 1958 to 1964. Although, the garden contained
a lax-ge lawn area, but this area was dirtded to man.J’ parts.
The des1gDof (1958-1964) contained d1fferentelements of
design, lawns, trees and shrubs, but it was lacking the
herbaceous plant s which had the colouring effect s.
In the second period troll 1964 to 1981 the designer
created a formal carpet garden facing Tahrir adminstrative
building. The annual and herbaceous plants were used
in the different, levels ot beds in the central garden.
In the thi.rd period frOID 1983 to 1985 during the
constructing ot the under growndmetro, the garden ”ss
neglected and becamein a bad statement. All the plants
died and its colour changed to yellow brown. However, the
trees groups were in a better case since they toleranted
the negligence.
The newdesign (1988) ot Tahr1r square gardens depended
upon the modernlandscape lines, with smooth
curving lines.
Generally, it could concluded that Tahrir square
garden in 1988 is very suitable state, although this
arranged is not quite enough to overco_ the ~ture requirement•
•VII. Critioi. studies 1D the. prden.
1- ¥he-Khan garden in Shoubre.
i’henew 41reotion ot Agha-Khan garden depended
1. Min1m:.1zingthe garden _1ntenance and increasing their
parclo% Bize b.Tusing lawn edged b7 short anIDIsl plant 8
as Viola tricolor , - Tropaeolum ~ and Tagetes
2. Providing new garden appearance b7 used palm trees.
3. The cmmeotiDg between garden cles1gn and town plann1 ng.
On this ground, the garden could complete thepla.nning
.b7 using iron trame around the garden.
2- Evaluation of 80me green area in Cairo streets
D1e green, colour decreased in cairo, due to ID8D3’
d1struotioDS of III8JV’ plant materia1s. &lch partition rtIEq
lead to poor maintenance and sharp edges of the bed corners
whiCh cause IIBD1’ troubles for the n11 aintenance.
Gener8.l.17, 1t was noticed that the desigDs and connection
of plant -.ter1als in Cairo street. were not well
organised, III&D1’ plant materials are grown under untavourable
coDditioJllJ which loose the. the cha1w:Le •• and minimize
their function in urban conditions. Plant materials in
Cairo streets are not properly maintened.
Wereoollllllend,using different genera of trees in a
vertical and horizontal shapes in landscape design which
modify the air temperature especially in hot arid zones
keside increasing soil lawn humidity which reflect decreasing
the garden air temperature.
South and Wes1;directions are more agreeable to
establish Thui\!; orientallst Picus nitida hedges, their
sight and screening depend upon trimming level as .well
as their directions.The low hedge trimming and frequent
pruning produce more COJl.P&cthedge.Using some nowering
perennials could help in creating a lovely scenery in
the garden.
The ~.cenery of different combinations’ of succulent
genera in suoculent garden 1s more effective than using
only’ one. The leaves and some branches of succulents had
to be thinned to allow sunlight !Dbetween.
Growth, appearance and number of plants 8S well as
s.J.via splendens t lfTbrld Tea Roses , DracanaeDa draco
and Agave americana were more effective in sunny spots
but Senoio doria prerers shady location in the garden.
The designer or living landscape must have an entire
knowledge of the plants and the long term effect
of his design for future maintenance based on the town