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العوامل المؤثرة على خصوبة المراة الريفيه بمحافظة اسيوط =
مصطفى حمدى احمد ابراهيم غانم ,
غانم, مصطفى حمدى احمد ابراهيم .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مصطفى حمدى احمد ابراهيم
مشرف / شفيق شعبان حسن
مناقش / فتح الله سعيد هلول
مناقش / محمد عبد الحليم زكى
المراة الريفية - محافظة اسيوط .
تاريخ النشر
1989 .
عدد الصفحات
138,12ص . :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
مصطفى حمدى احمد ابراهيم غانم ,
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الزراعة - العلوم الزراعية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 169

from 169


Szummary ’md ConclusiontrcLiUC tj on
There is no dOLlot that social and economic developJTlPnt ;.8 (’1113
., t” . I’ aspects sought by almost all developing countries of
ot lIe l:lUJ 0
the \,l!l’ld. IJike many developinG countries, Er.:;ypt is cur’l’eHtl.v
l,oIlt’roll Led vii th serj ous problems 0 t’ which rapid popul’l tt 011 ’’1’0\ It.!l
’811’E;::;en-Ls an obstacle to achieve a rate of social and econo !lie ueveJopment that improves the livinG condition of its people •
. 1thOUbh many efforts 1 as been exerted by the government to [tC¬r;clerate the rates of social and econmic development, populatiun
rav. tit undermines these effor ts especially in the rural areas 0 r the country.

[(esearch problem
At present, the rate of population growth has been unpr cedcnted ill l1UlllQ,n history. However, the l,roblem does not lie in the si;..e af tile population but l’ather in its rate of growth in relation to E:conoraic erowth and social conditions. ’1’he size of populn tion and
its rate of growth are important elements in the cou~lex af social and economic factors which affect the welfare of the people or ~ny ”articular country. Egypt in genr 0.1 and its rural parts in Inrticular. are characterized by tigh level of fertility attributed
to the illlpac t of many social and econOmic variables. In fue 1, lIlJe rate of populatiun grovvth has become an importan’t_ barrier to Jeveloplllent of these rural areas bet;ause of the many ~ocial and
cC’nomic probles i ~ ~rea teu tha”t resul tect in shur’ of’ natural ’esources and cap1. tal f’or inves tellen t. ’l’his contribu tea to
Lurther ueteriora tiun of an alreaI1:,’ low standard of 11. vinl;. Iro
,teal \/i th the population problem r these areas, the present [’eseal’ch aims at studying the factors affectine fertility in ru ’etl ,-,reas \’/i th special reference to Assiu t governora te.

lurpose of Hesearch
’1’he purpose of this research is to discover the maj or t’nc ”cars affecting fertility of women in rural areas of Assiut governor,.te and to what ectent they contribute to their lww standard 0: li rin~
• J •
Therefore, the present research focused upon the followinB points:
I. ~tudy the effect of some of the major social factors affecti’ ~ fertility of women in rural areas of Assiut governorate.
’2. Study the effect of some of thr> major economic factors affecting fertility in rurtll areas of Assiut governorate.
J. Gtudy the determinants affecting fertility in rural areas 0 Assiut governorate.
iource of Data
To unsuer these and other related question, u field survey
was conducted in the summer of 1986 by the use of two constructC’l questionnaires to collect the data sought relevant to the research. ’rwo samples .ere obtained one for rural wives and the other for
lusbands. ~hey were interviewed in 5 rundomly choosen villages 0_ Assiut governorate which are Beni Zeid, El Akrad, El Tawabia, Beni 1, our u.nd Menkabad. The selected women were required to have l:l.t least 5 years duration of marriage and below 45 years of &3e. (n
Lhe other hand, the husbands were not less thun <:::5 years 0 ace ’,nd :Jhould not exc eed 55 years. ’l’he size of wives sample WaS 1047 und of the husbands 1196.
1. About 42 per cent of the selected wives were illiterate and read and write, und about 40 j ,I’ cent of the husbl:l.nds.
2. About 50 per cent of the hUBt~ d.s were working in agriculture and the remainine 50 per cent i1 non-agriculture occupati018 .
. 1£auct1tion and fertili ty
L Average number of per mother faS 5. I) for tl1e illi t(;I’.1. tes compared to ~.82 for ~e colleGe graduates
2. About 60.1 per cent of the illj~erute mothers gave birth to 4 tl.nd more children in contrast, ro 24.9 per c€::nt of the collcee Lrad.uatt:::s.
!J. AVerage family size o’f Cin illi Lt:::ru te mother ’.tiS B. 73 chiletre’l cO’llpartd to 3.24 for the colleee graetua te one •
t. A~ou t 75 per cent of the total mothers believed that the birth of a large num er of children is harmful to the econor’lic condition of the family and only 5.5 per cent believed that
hj <.,.’)11 fertill:, ty improves the Illorher’ s health. on the other ll’md, about 20 per cent of the total mothers believed that havinL; a l:.lrce number of children strengthens husband-wife reIn tionship. About 61.4 per cent of illiterate mothers were married at the
ab’T e 0 r 18 y d 15 7
eal,J compare to • per cent 01’ those who
cOTllpletea secofHL.ry education and more •
l’;duc(’. tiun and Cl f n:r’riage ..
1. fuedian of marriage for il1i tera te moxhers Vias 19.6 ]e, II’, i.1 contrast to 25.6 for college raduates.
2. IVH’dip .. l1 age at mnrriul3e for the illiterate husband.S \1[13 21.7 ”ears t:ompared to 27.1 years for their- collece counterrarts.
j. AIJou t 61.4 per c e,l t of the illi tera te mothers were mClJ’l’ied L’ L:._e Hi..:,e of 18 years compared to 15.7 per cen t of those ’f.! 0 COi 11 ted secondary education and more.
J’;dHcation and Desired .Number of children
1. About 74.2 per cent of the illiterate mothers desired. to 11<:1 V ( 4-
and more children compared to 27.5 per cent of the cc,~lege [;radua.tes.
2. Average numl)er of children per mother was 4.32 f)1’ ;,tJe illiterutes, 3.1J for the ~econrlary education and 2.9 for col1ebe Graduate8.
3. Avera.ce desired number of children for the tora1 s~ •. n1 IF. W’.s :1.:’2 wnich was approximately the same as that living per f,:rni1:r
(J.G4 •
’1-0 About ~9.9 per cent of the i11 iterate husbands desired” to } &’;8 5 Qud more <.:hildren compared to 17.9 per cent of’ the seco ldar,’ education and 41.5 per cent Q’ the colleGe eraduates.
~. Aver::tbe desired ilUlober of children per husband was 5.22 f ’1’ the illi tera te, 4 .1,~ for the secondary and 3.63 for c 011el. e (r:ldl t tes.
liCcupcdion and Des”;’red l~umber of children
L About 16.1 per cent of the professionals desired. to 1 uve 5 ., r.
JJlOre children compared to 24.9 of the Illanagerials, 46.9 01’ ”le clerical workers, 77.7 of the larmers, 67.9 of the acricu1t_re laborers and 63.6 of the un-sI” llled workers.
~. Average desired numOel’ of children was J. 94 for the profe::’fJional uatecory in contrast to 4 for the clerical workers, 5.75 rOl’ the ”ngricul ture laborers and 5.86 for the farmers.
inCOme and Desired. Number of children
1. 111w difference in the desired number of children betwc:cn i ~lasses was neblii ible
’duca tion u.nd child lIJiortali t
le About 56.8 pel’ cent of the illiterate mothers experienced \’Itild.
death ~ompared to ] .~ per cent uf the ~econdary and 5.6 of t l~ cOllege L~aauates.
j l>out 4~:l.5 per L:eut of the iilitere mothers experieIlcr;d tJle jCl.]O of c or lUore chilare .•..• to abOU1; 8.3 per L:Ullt ’ .... tHe college graduu tr;: •
It’:eruge nwuber of chlldren died pt::r mother •• ho experienced ch”ld death was 2.,~ for illiterates Compared 1,0 l.c chil.drcll for college cradua1;es.
ltl/erage number of children died per mother durin(!; her eTltire
In, rriat:e lit’e was J. 5 for illi tera tes compared to 1.4 for prim n’y l”dUCti tion and above •
• AveruGe number of children born per mother who escb-ped child
10:.;::! wus J.6 compared to 4.6 for her counterpart who 10:Jt Lt c’, lla.
clt~on and Use or Contraceptive Methods
l\.uuut 11.9 1J8r cenl UI the illiterate mothers were usinG some lcthod of contracption compared to 9J.l per cent of the col1sve
• A,eI”L.e number of children born Co the users of contraceptive
” - Lltods was 3. 68 compared to 4. ~ 3 for tbe non-us ers in the 1.0 l .1
)’I.ver,lGe desired number of chi) ’1”’’)n for the users of contr’.:cBl tive metllOds was 3.80 compared to 4.( J for 1,;he non-users.
• J(rlsons for the use of contraceptive methods are uttrilluted to df~sire to have no addi tional, their approval by husbu’ul i1!ld ””,bsence of feal of cllild loss •
• H0i:iSOns for not wJinL cOIllrucepllve Illethoas are attributed to d/.=-iire to have a laree family, 1l,””mful ef’fect oL methoas on
1 tll, fear of child loss alld d i ’Jctpproval by husb<’:1l1d •
’1’he majol’ity of non-users approved the use of contraceptive . ,cthous if proved to De un-hu.rful to heal th •
t [’ C8!J t of women who expressed willinGness to prac tice COl) 1; ’,.C U OF’
. ..
.e t,llods \Ii thou t consul tint: their husbi.iTlds was uuou 1; 20. u ’1, 0
- .
t f’ mn-users.
Th(~’B preferred to receive information about fL.mtl,\r plc:. .niT’” :””l cl vlays of usinr; contraceptive 8thods from fema.le doct01r’s,
t11 .. 1 male doctors; friends and nei~~hbours, l/lOtl1er or l’cl ,tiv’ G ”i lJ nl J.y Illi dVv’i ves .
1lL ut )0 per cent of the husbanu:J expredsed their al’l)]’o\fa.J t;,., 1.’8(;0]11e member..:.> of u lamily planlting cOlflmittee in the vill<,,- e.