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Surgical Anatomical Studies on some Synovial Bursae in Donkey /
Ibrahem, Mohamed Taha.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد طه ابراهيم
مشرف / عبد الله حفني طه
مناقش / نبيل أخمد علي محمد مسك
مناقش / محمد أحمد علي
Animals - Anatomy.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
136 p. :
Veterinary (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الطب البيطري - Anatomy
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This work was carried out on one fetus, nne newlyL horn, three yotinq anti thirty five adult dnnkeys of different sexes and aoes These materials were subjected to different methods and techniques for studying the bursae; by injection of a qum milk late<) or Radioopaque materials after bleed— inn the animal throunh the common carotid artery then in3ect— cii with ]O% formalin. Also fresh specimens were used.
The morphology of the bursae was studied as regards to shape, position, relation as weil as the frequency of its occurailce and the su.i tahie site of i njeotinn. Fetus and young donkeys ranged from one day old to 4 months age have no any acquired bursae but have only 23 conqenital ones which are situated subendinous and subligarnentous To younq donkey of 5-8 months ,five acquired bursae in addition to the congenital group were recorded along the entire animal body and are subcutaneous and subtendinous in nature. The number of acquired hursae in adult donkey are 44 (25 of them are inconstant and the rest are constant).
Concerninq the relation of the bursae to the muscles, the hursae may he iated either suhmuscu) Ar or atibtendi onus. Three submuscular bursae were observed in the hody, these hi,rsae re acquired in nature and located a1on the ntirval-ire of the fleshy part of the muscle around the inderyiiin hori’ pronlinences - The present investigation shows that only 4 tendons of