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some morphological studies on immunological organs in ostrich /
Elewa, Yasser Hosny Ali.
Veterinary Immunology. Ostrich.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
100 P. :
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The current study was carried out on the cloacal lymphoid tissues, the thymus glands and the spleens of 18 ostriches of both sexes, at two weeks, 8 months, 20 months and 24 months. The specimens were collected from Hollandia ostrich farm in Wady El-Mull-lak, El-Masria farm for rearing and increasing ostrich, El-Na-kheel ostrich farm at Cairo-Alexandria desert road and from ostrich farms belonging to the military forces located at El Qus-Saseen city. The specimens were fixed in 10 % buffered neutral formalin. Half of the specimens were subjected for anatomical descriptions and the other half for histological study.
The anatomical findings revealed that, there is no true cloacal bursa in ostrich but there is a cloacal lymphoid tissue (equivalent for lymphoid tissue of bursa) in the mucosa of the dorsal and lateral wall of the proctodeum. The mucosa of the dorsal and lateral walls of the proctodeum was characterized by the presence of numerous folds and macroscopic papillae. The thymus gland was consisted of two lobes. Each lobe was located on the ventrolateral aspect of the base of the neck, cranial to the first vertebral rib. The spleen was dark red in colour, banana shaped, situated on the right surface at the area of junction between proventriculus and gizzard.